by meganne 10 May 2009

the crack of dawn on Mother's Day. I had been dreaming of flowers and breakfast in bed, and perhaps an extra cuddle from my DH.......

Yeah well, When you make a commitment there's no way you can let people down....
So I bounded out of bed,
(Translation: after hitting the snooze button 3 times I snuck my nose out from under the covers, dragged myself into my cold wheelchair, looked across at Ray still snoring and thought, right i'll fix you, I'll leave the alarm still running and the next time it goes off YOU'LL have to get out to turn it off!!! hahahaha!!!)

Off I go to the shower, sure, as if I can get into it on my own!! Well we won't dwell on that effort, except to say once I got under that lovely warm water it was even more difficult to face going out so early!!

Anyway my biggest decision: which hat to wear and whether to dress warm or cold. The forecast temperature for the day was supposed to be a nice 19* (66*), great for a walk in the sunshine (I hadn't listened to more that the forecast temperature)
So I'm thinking, my head gets really hot, I'll be in the chair, out in the open in the sunshine, better to wear something light but with good shade so I won't overheat. So I chose my favourite cotton sunhat. (FIRST MISTAKE)

Now, I put on a tank top under my BC polo, but I felt hot, so I quickly took it back off. (SECOND MISTAKE) (remember i'd just got out of a hot shower so i was still pretty warm)

Trousers? hmmm, no I won't wear the long trackies, I'll probably get too hot, I'll wear the really thin crop pants. (THIRD MISTAKE)

I kept thinking I should grab an umbrella & a jacket, but that's more to carry and more for Ray to push..... (FOURTH MISTAKE)

At the last minute, I grabbed a lightweight pink cardigan (ONLY SMART DECISION ALL MORNING. LOL!!!)

So, off we set, wheelchair, crutches n all, right on time, and BOY was Sis surprised when we picked her up on time for a change!!! hehehe!

I immediately realised I may have made a mistake with my choice of head wear, I had been going to wear the pink knitted cap Barb made with the crocheted one, Sheryl made, on top. I'd pinned it up with a pink butterfly and it looks fabulous. But i didn't so, my head was freezing and my legs weren't far behind. I grab the cardigan and put it on at least my chest was comfortable.

So we get to the venue, well and truly early (by an hour and a half). Ray dropped Sissi and me at the entrance and went to find parking, but just before he left, as Sis mentioned they forecast rain in the afternoon, I handed her the umbrella from the door pocket. There were two others in the boot that I thought about and dismissed. (FIFTH MISTAKE) LOL!!!

So, anyway we ambled around the stalls, I picked up a lovely pink umbrella at the BC Stall, put it down and bought another Pink Ribbon pin instead. (SIXTH MISTAKE!!!!!) (TONGUE IN CHEEK.... ) I don't need any more umbrella's, Heavens, I have about eight, (all at home or in the car.....)

So we waited for my neice, Natalie Anne, to arrive and tried very hard to get warm.... I kept wondering where was the sunshine, oh well, it's still only early, won't be long, it'll warm up soon as the sun comes out. I couldn't find a scarf to buy and kept thinking of all my beautiful warm knitted caps at home, sheesh was my head cold.

Finally!!!! It's our turn, ten minutes to start time we head off toward the starting line, (now I know how little kids feel when you're in a crowd and and everyone is bigger than you and you can't see....)

Still, it's fantastic looking at this wondrous crowd of people who have all turned out to raise funds for a better cure than what i've recently been getting....

All the tribute cards people are wearing, tell a story, of either horror or the same bitter fight I now also know, first hand, what it takes to win.
I wear my pendant, Courage, Strength, Faith & Hope and on tough days I hold it and pray for these qualities to help get me through this horrid treatment for this insideous, relentless disease.

And all these people have been touched by this, many of them recognise that I must be still fighting the battle and i get many beautiful, understanding smiles, I am so touched, I feel like crying tears of gratitude for so many, willing to give up their time to raise money for something that is now so personal to me.

There are people wearing pink wigs and huge, pink, fluffy Mad Hatter type hats and people have sprayed their hair pink and kiddies have painted faces and it's all fun and exciting as we push toward the starting line and, what?

Is that a spit of rain? no-o-o, not now, please.

Oh My, down she comes!!!! It's absolutely pouring and within seconds we are drenched through to the bone!
Sissi gives me the umbrella, but it's too late. Here put this plastic bag on your lap it might save you a little, I hate to tell you but it's too late for that, too!

For over a kilometre, the rain drenches us and everyone is shivering, wet, miserable but in reasonably good spirits.

We find shelter under a big tree and gather our thoughts.

This is madness, especially for someone still having chemo and whose risk of infection is so high. (I'm no quitter, I'm thinking.)

Do we stop or keep going? It's still raining very heavily.
Many people are leaving the track....

(It's all very well for me, I'm sitting in a chair, Ray's doing all the work)
I could read the three of them, their concern for me was uppermost, being in the chair exposed more of me to the rain.

It's up to you, you're doing the hard work but I didn't come this far to quit, we can't go back and we're saturated anyway, we may as well keep going.

As we reach the 2km mark the rain starts to ease. Thank Heavens!

I want to try to wheel myself so I can have a sense of not feeling so helpless. YEAH RIGHT!!! The wheels and rails are all wet and I can't even hold onto them, so that's not happening!!!! LOL!

The rain hasn't diminished everyone's sense of fun and there's a lot of joking and banter between the participants.

3 kilometres, How are we all coping? Natalie is taking a turn at pushing the chair. Natalie is a personal fitness trainer and after a kilometre of pushing she was amazed how much effort it took, most of the strain being on the arm muscles. Guess you won't need to work out any more today, hey Nat? hehehe!

Ray's back from his little detour, Phew! Thank Heavens says Nat, I mean I relished the chance to push my aunt around but this wasn't quite what I had in mind. LOL!!!!

We can see the finish line, we all hold hands, everyone is cheering, I think this is one walk everyone is glad is over. It is certainly one we'll all remember for a long time.

But we did it! 53 minutes and 10 seconds. We collect our completion medal. It's a pity so many dropped out during the walk, it wasn't such a big effort to finish and, what the heck, we'd already got drenched anyway, dropping out early wouldn't have changed anything.
I have no idea how many entered the four events:- 8km Run; 8km walk; 4km run & 4km walk, but thousands finished, and we are engulfed in a sea of people all collecting their completion prizes.

There's a great Pink BC bag, a bottle of water, a piece of fresh fruit, a pink drink bottle, a Health magazine, a lovely boxed coffee mug, sun visors, (hmmm!) All I really want is some sun SHINE!!! LOL!

The sun is shining weakly now, my hat is so wet it's warmer for my head to leave it off.

Several professional photographers have asked to take my photo and though we'll probably never see the prints, i always say yes, cause i feel privileged to be asked.

We decide to add our tribute cards to the Tribute Wall. It's a shame most people haven't done this, they may not have heard the broadcast about it, if they had the wall would never have been big enough to hold them all.

We're all wet, cold, laughing and hungry. So we grab a coffee and a muffin, try to get warm in the weak sunshine and thoroughly enjoy the steaming coffee.

Time to head for home, I can't believe it isn't even midday.

First job, to strip off our wet clothes, my one leather shoe is absolutely soaking wet, the sock i'm wearing I can actually wring water out of our cardigans need hanging up to dry and I'm so cold I can't stop shivering.

The only place to get warm is bed, so after a cup of tea and a sausage sanga I head straight for the bedroom and don't wake up for about 5 hours. Ray heads off to work (night shift) and I sleep for another hour.

Finally I get into the office and upload the photo's, do some cropping and start typing up this, hopefully entertaining account of our Fabulous day.

Yes, it was fabulous, I wouldn't have missed a minute of it! And when I think about it, the rain was, yet again, another blessing in disguise, as it prevented me from over exerting myself, (as I would have) and gave Ray the opportunity, once again, to "look after" his wife. He keeps saying "I knew I could do it, push you all the way in the wheelchair, I knew I could do it!"

So time enough for me to complete the course by my own efforts and regain MY independence, next year when I am stronger,

Thank you for your sponsorship. I have until 31st May to get the personal donations in and I'm confident I will top my target by then.
Hugs n roses and Happy Mother's day to you all.

Photo's coming, give me a few minutes to upload....


by 2createit 11 May 2009

Well done Meg, i'm so glad you made it through to the end of the race. With such a loving family there to support you I know you will win all the events that are thrown at you.
Love and best wishes

by dailylaundry 11 May 2009

Just had the opportunity to read this - how amazing you are - you need to know that! It could have been snowing - and I doubt that you or Ray or even your sweet neice would have quit....Bravo - well done!!! We love you!!! Laura

by mops Moderator 11 May 2009

Meg, great story and great pictures. Hat off for your achievement, and Ray's! You're an inspiration for all of us!

by kezza2sew 11 May 2009

Oh Meg, I have to wait to compose myself before I reply...that was one amazing day for you absolutely. Now I know why you had not written earlier. You Dear Love. We are so very proud of you. And the pics are priceless. Everthing else has been said here by other Cuties... I second each and every one of the comments....
Rest up well and regain some stregth sweet one. Love from myself and Trudy......she is also anxious about how your day went.....

by mariahail 11 May 2009

Do you know who E.Bombeck was? she was great and your writting style is a lot like hers, you should try writting about different things like she did, I think that is your real call in life.xoxoxoxo

1 comment
meganne by meganne 11 May 2009

Hey Maria, you're back. How is your daughter?

Sorry no, never heard of her, she must be nice if she sounds like me... LOLOL!
hnr, m

by colleta 10 May 2009

Wow! What a great day. What a great story! :)

by katydid 10 May 2009

Meganne, We love you!!

by pennifold 10 May 2009

Dear Meg,

I have just come on line it is midday - boy what a story - I can't stop crying. You are one incredibly strong woman.

I thank you for your fighting spirit and sharing the journey with us all.

It is just so wonderful that these sort of events have been so well publicised here in Australia and I pray that we can find a cure once and for all.

I am sure that many of us feel what you are going through (although we may not be able to empathise we can sympathise with you)- and I'm so proud to be able to share this journey with you.

I got your SMS last night at 11.44 and was just going to bed, so sent you a reply this morning and thanks for your answers.

And - like everyone else on this site - I think you should write a book about all your adventures throughout this journey.

Love and blessings Chris (you earn a well deserved rest now!!)

P.S. God bless you and Ray and your wonderful family.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 10 May 2009

Thanks Chris, SMS was sent 12 hours before that???
My story was supposed to make you laugh, not cry. Some writer I am... hahaha! LOL!!
It was a fun day. hugs n roses, m

by nonna57 10 May 2009

Meg I knew you could do it "with the help from Ray" I am so proud & honoured to be your friend. Sorry we couldnt do the sewing for the Vic bushfire 2day. Get better & stay warm. x x

1 comment
meganne by meganne 10 May 2009

Aw shucks!
You get well too. we have a date for 11 Am 1/06. I'm sitting in sunroom at laptop, would love to do some sewing, but have digitising to do.
hugs and love, M

by caydebug 10 May 2009

What a wonderful day you must have had and a wonderful story to go with it. You need to write a book of funny stories. Your the best!!!!! Prayers and blessings, Libbie

by raels011 10 May 2009

Oh Meg You have a great way of telling a story. You really do need to document all of your life's adventures. I would definately buy the book

by debleerl 10 May 2009

Your strength and courage continue to amaze me. I hope you are putting these stories and pictures in a book. This one brought tears... You could help so many by inspiring them to keep fighting.

Love and Prayers for you,


by sherylac 10 May 2009

Well Meg, what does one say, I am lost for words and have a few tears in my eyes. What a day, I was there with you, the way you worded everything, I could see everything, well done, and you should be so very proud of yourself and your hubby, congratulations to all, and yes I agree with Yoriko, you should be writing a book. I hope that you have kept everything that you have written. A wonderful Lady.

by manami 10 May 2009

Meg, what a beautiful family you have! Ray is sure a supportative husband, I'm so glad you both finished the walk. Proud of you all!!!Congratulations! Also, you are a wonderful story teller, you should write a book!!! Love, Yoriko

by lflanders 10 May 2009

Meg, Great pictures! Always, that beautiful smile! Linda in Ga

by lflanders 10 May 2009

Meg, You are one strong-willed lady! I am so glad that Ray supports you in all you do. He sounds like a real winner also! I am happy that you got to finish your BC ride/race. I do hope that none of you have any colds or side effects from the cold rain but my guess is that a higher power was looking down on you during just another one of your fights against the horrific BC. You are one strong a determined lady and you have fought the fight! I just hope that you soon get your time to sit back and relax a bit and say thank you Lord! You have a wonderful support system right there at home. Great Job, Ray and Meg! Linda in Ga

by gerryb 10 May 2009

Way to go, Meg & family! I love your should write more! Love your attitude, as my Mom would say (she's no longer with us) might as well laugh as cry! Proud of you!!

by minicow 10 May 2009

'Ran 'every inch of the way with you whilst I was basking in 'sunshine' and eating chocolate cake with my family.
Well done my friend- I'm very proud to be part of your cancer journey - hugs and sparkles from minicow

by bdrouin 10 May 2009

Congratulations and a big WOW! Like you said, once you're wet you can't get any wetter so you might as well finish. Once again congratulations on your finishing and compliments to those who supported you throughout. You should send your story to the breast cancer society. You would give so many people hope.

by castelyn 10 May 2009

Meg thanks for sharing with us all - God bless. Hugs and Love Yvonne

by shirleysisson 10 May 2009

Well done to you and Ray!!! You are such an inspiration. You photos are great - you go girl!!!! *4U (you need a whole truckload for your achievements)

by lbrow 10 May 2009

Meg I hope that one day you will put all your notes, comments, Pictures &etc. n a book & have it published. I'll b first n line to buy it & get an autographed copy. Think of it dear, u r one of a kind & the entire world deserves to hear your story. Lillian *4U

by quiltgrama 10 May 2009

Congrats my sweet friend. I knew you would do it. Thanks for the photos they are lovely and cant tell from anyones face how miserable the weather was. Lots of Love Lisa

by grandmamek 10 May 2009

Congratulations Meg. What a wonderful inspiration you are to all. Your photos of the race are outstanding. Hugs and flowers for you. Mary

by jrob Moderator 10 May 2009

Ah, Meg, as usual so well told and entertaining. Please tell Ray we TRULY appreciate his putting up with all of the cheek you give him. The pictures are wonderful and it is truly inspiring to see the smiles on all of your faces. Thanks for doing the walk, cause we do love our tatas!

by gerryvb 10 May 2009

What a very special day, you all must be very tired but also very happy you did it together!!I admire your devotion and besides the medal I think you deserve a big trophy! You tasted it all this exhausted beautiful mother's day, the rain, the sun, the cold,and the love and support.Thank you for sharing this with us,the pictures are great, and so are you and your family!hugs gerry

by blhamblen 10 May 2009

Besides the Rain, Sounds like your Mothers Day was Wonderful...What a sense of accomplishment!! THANX for representing ALL of us...What a PLEASURE to BE with YOU every (roll) step of YOUR LIFE!! HUGs, KISSes and *'s

by claudenicolas 10 May 2009

Dear Meganne, Congratulations, You are marvelous, you are a great lady.

by sqdancer 10 May 2009

Congratulations Meg, you all did are some great lady...Happy Mother's Day, you can still celebrate with us here in Canada & the USA...Hugs G x0x0x0x

by edithfarminer 10 May 2009

What a great story, must have been the fight like a girl on the wheelchair that got you all through lol.
Well done and hope for a good recovery for you!

by daisy530 10 May 2009

Meganne--Congrats for collecting that medal. I think your story would make a good pilot for a new reality show! :)

by tyco4357 10 May 2009

Wow, that was interesting and inspiring!

by ewroland 10 May 2009

What an inspiring story you related so well.
Thanks for sharing the pictures - and all the beautiful smiles. God bless you and yours and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

by damaris 10 May 2009

God Bless You. What a marvelous lady you are. Congratulations to all of you

by camylow 10 May 2009

good morning to you...thank you for sharing a little bit of you more and more each day....

by sueffb1 10 May 2009

You are quite a story teller. I can just see all of this taking place. What a champ you are and so is your lovely family. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Love to you and keep on smiling! Sue

by meganne 10 May 2009

1. Back of my chariot with tribute cards.
2. Ray and me, cold but still dry. LOL!!!
3. My niece, Natalie Anne, my sister Janet, Ray & me, on the home strecth after our drenching... It's all good.
4. Sissi and me in front of the Tribute Wall.
5. Holding out our Completion medals
6. I owe it all to my darling Ray.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 10 May 2009

Thank you - thank you -thank you! You, Ray and each of the rest are adorable.

sueffb1 by sueffb1 10 May 2009

What a wonderful family. You more than deserve those beautiful metals. You and Ray make a "Perfect" couple and you are a "Winner" in everyone's book. Stay strong! My best friend beat that horrible disease some years back. Sue

claudenicolas by claudenicolas 10 May 2009

Thank you for those pictures

sissibrode by sissibrode 10 May 2009

thanks Meg ! thanks for the picture and for this walk !!!*

sarahrose by sarahrose 15 May 2009

fight like a girl.

getEdited - SELECT
by shirlener88 10 May 2009

Meg, CONGRATULATIONS! You are indeed a true story teller and I hope that this is saved somewhere else besides here for each of us. You keep me pinned to my seat to find out the results and I felt that I went along with you on the run. You are simply marvelous darling........simply marvelous. You pictures are great and I love that you used the fight like a girl design on your chair - very neat - you, Ray and the rest look wonderful. What a sight for sore eyes. Unconditional Love, Shirlene

meganne by meganne 10 May 2009

Thanks Shirlene, I hope it was entertaining. We certainly laughed a lot today, especially when Ray kept trying to find a spot to push me into the Parramtta river for giving him cheek!!!! LOL!
hugs n roses, M

sarahrose by sarahrose 15 May 2009

It was.