by shofner 09 May 2009

Thanks for voting for the easter M. Could you vote for the L in the easter font. Thanks and Happy Mothers Day to all


by marjialexa Moderator 09 May 2009

So glad we could help you with the Easter M! If you would e-mail Letvia with your other request, I'm sure she'll put you on our voting list. Letvia keeps a list of requests for us, and puts up voting requests for us every day for each portion of the Cute site, for CuteAlphabets, and for Amazing Embroidery Designs. It works so much better if we all take our turns with requests, and all vote together for the same designs/letters. When we do that, we usually have plenty enough votes to win it for the next day. When everybody votes all over the place, then nobody gets what they want. Just click on Letvia's name and send her a private message, or she has an e-mail listed just for voting requests.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, here's hoping your every wish is granted!!! Hugs, Marji