by bikermomfl 06 May 2009

I have 3 others that are m.i.a. and afraid dead, my neighbors cat is also missing. When hubby went looking for the others this a.m. he found another cat that had met the same fate as my poor Apollo. I feel so guilty and like it was all my fault. Apollo was an indoor cat with outdoor priveleges. The weather is getting so nice that some like to be outside at night, which has always been fine (except for the occassional rodent that didn't make it home) My darling Don Diego and Pogo as well as Loki are also missing and unfortunately presumed dead. My neighbor thinks it may have been a bob cat. We have no loose dogs in the neighborhood. My heart is just broken and I can't stop crying. Apollo was 8 so this was his lifelong habit of going out sometimes and staying in sometimes and just being Apollo. I don't know what to do....Old age and illness are sad enough but this is just unbearable. I don't know what to do to make the pain and guilt stop. I'm sorry for putting this out there but I need to tell somebody and think that maybe somebody else cares....thanks for listening


by castelyn 07 May 2009

Karen, sorry about your loss.

by sandralochran 07 May 2009

I am sorry for your lost. My heart goes out for you

by colonies1 07 May 2009

sorry about your sad news

by cutiepie 07 May 2009

I am so sorry to hear this bad news, but I am glad to hear that it wasn't what first came to my mind when I started reading. As horrible as it was, at least it wasn't human cruelty that ended your little ray of sunshine (Apollo was the Sun God). I lost a dear pet, Tiger, to human means and we never did discover who it was that killed him.

I also pray that Apollo went quickly. Another cat of mine was attacked by a dog and Matt's throat was sliced. Despite medical care, he dropped from his full size of near 30 pounds (Matt was part Maine Coon cat) to less than 10 over a span of 12 days before we had to let him go.

I feel your pain, and am sending all the love I have to offer!

by gerryb 07 May 2009

Hope your other baby makes it home! Yes, bob cats will kill them. As well as coyotes. We even have coyotes here in Knoxville! Most of the farmers around here have little donkeys in the field with the cattle as the donkey will kill a coyote, so they leave those fields alone, usually. We do love our furry friends. My heart goes out to you. Love on the ones that have come home and let us know when Pogo makes it home!! Positive thinking here!

by manami 06 May 2009

I'm so sorry about your loss, Bikermom! I lost my puppy recently, in the same day my son went back to Japan. I cried for a week, still cry when I think about it. There is a 'superstition'(?) that when a pet die in a horrible situation, it is taking place of a big loss in our family, so if my puppy died, I want to believe he was protecting my son's life. A big hug for you. Love,Yoriko

by emily16838 06 May 2009

Oh this makes me sad for you too. My heart is with you.

by darmoola 06 May 2009

Oh I'm so sorry! I know how much pets can be loved! I lost my Daisy last year and I'm still heart broken....Flowers to all

by ksgram1 06 May 2009

I'm so glad that two of your fur babies came home safely. I'm still praying for Pogo's safe return and comfort for your broken heart. I do so many others of your QT family do. Hugs.

by modo 06 May 2009

so sorry to hear that

by debleerl 06 May 2009

So sorry for your loss. We pet owners know how much it hurts. Yes, pets do go to heaven as there would be no heaven without them.

by quiltgrama 06 May 2009

so sorry but glad some are home . Hope the other one arrives safely too. Lisa

by letvia 06 May 2009

I'm so sorry for your suffering dear Karen. Flower and XoXo

by bikermomfl 06 May 2009

UPDATE - Don Diego came home - gone since monday, he's hungry, a little beat up but otherwise ok, Loki is also home and safe, still no sign of Pogo, thanks so much for all your prayers and wishes they do help. I think I've used a whole box of tissues so far today, but 2 of my babies are home and safe, maybe thanks to your prayers and thoughts..........let's keep hoping for Pogo......

letvia by letvia 06 May 2009

I'm so happy for this great news.

meganne by meganne 07 May 2009

I have been away most of the day but your babies were constantly in my thoughts. I'm crying tears of joy to read two of them have made it home safely. I will keep praying for Pogo, I am sure he is ok, and he will come home when he feels safe enough.

Sounds like lots of love and special pampering is the order of the day just now.
Hugs n love, Meg

by marlakay 06 May 2009

Sorry to hear about your loss. It is so sad to lose a pet as they become such a part of the family. I hope your others return to you safe. I know I would be very sad to lose my dog as she in now like one of my children - a big part of my family. You should not feel guilty. I have had cats too and I know how they like to be outside.
You have my sympathy!

by aviesel 06 May 2009

I am so sorry! I love my pets like children, I have dogs and cats and I can understand how you feel. I know your loss is overwhelming now and hope that you find some comfort here. I will be thinking about you!

by rosey54 06 May 2009

I am Sooo Sorry for your loss. I am NOT a cat person, But have had four dogs in my lifetime. 2 Rotties whom passed away two yrs ago, and now we have 2 little muts to drive me nuts! Love them too!. i would report these cats M.I.A.s to the local authorities, If it is a bob cat or any wild animal, better to safeguard the small children, and alert anyone in the neighborhood. Losing a beloved pet is sad, but losing a child would make things worse. Fortunately, you found your pet, knowing is better than not, and you can say your farewells, and bury him with love( and maybe a favorite toy). Im hoping the other MIA buddies are hiding until the coast is clear. Keeping my fingers crossed, and wishing you the best.A prayer to St Francis, protector of small animals, and St anthony, finder of lost things may be a comfort as well.
You didnt do anything wrong, you were trying to do ur best for ur pet. thank you for sharing. we all have pets, know your loss is shared among many.
LC in NJ

by celticlady1031 06 May 2009

I'm sorry for your loss and will keep my fingers crossed that your other fur babies are just in hiding. They do sense when there is danger in their area. If you are anything like me, Apollo knows how much he was loved. We have coyotes here in packs but luckily they don't bother my dogs. Not at all like the foothill coyotes when I lived in Calif.

by sissibrode 06 May 2009

I'm so sorry for you :o(

by asterixsew Moderator 06 May 2009

Thinking of you

by gg2009 06 May 2009

Years ago, we had this happen to a small dog. As others have said, you will always remember it, but it will get easier. I'm sorry this happened.

by lflanders 06 May 2009

I am so sorry to hear about Apollo. It is so very hard to lose a beloved fur-baby no matter what the cause but this was just horrible. Please do not give up on the other babies. You need to get out and try to find them before it gets dark again. These little fellows are probably hiding and scared. This will be with you a long time if you are like me. It is like losing a child with 4 legs but a cat, by nature is wild and loves the outdoors. It would have been just horrible to keep them locked inside all the time. You were only trying to keep your baby happy. Please do not blame yourself. It was a freak of nature but I would be very watchful of the other furbabies and any small children outside playing. I would keep a loaded gun hidden from the children ready to protect any and all of the of the children around the neighborhood. It had to be pretty brave to come into your yard. I would also make sure that all the neighbors were aware of what has happened. Maybe someone will get this wild animal that has invaded your home space! Pull yourself together and try to remember what a good "MOMMY" you have always been and that it was just a freak accident that you could not help. Try to remember the good things and times and do not dwell on what a tragic site you had to indure. Your baby has gone to that rainbow in the sky for precious pets and he will be happy for the rest of time. I lost the most wonderful Pekingese I have ever had 5 years ago when I was so sick that we all thhought I was dying. In fact, I had surgery and almost did and ended up in a nursing home for 8 months at 57. I almost lost both legs. My Gizzy was 16yrs,1month,4 days old and I had to call the Vet(friend) to come put him down just a few days before I went in the hospital. I hung on to him about a week too long! I still feel guilty! % yrs. ago and I still cry sometimes. I have his neice and she is 13 and she has cancer. I also adopted a 2 yr old 2 yrs ago. I found her on Petfinders and fell in love with her! I am about to loose Bebe to cancer and she is one of the best natured girls that I have ever seen. She is calm, sweet, loving and tolerates this white tornodo I adopted. Patty is sweet but she is jet propelled! She was a biter when I got her but within a week she had stopped that. I can take food out of her mouth now and it does not bother her. I feed her out of my hands. NO, I do not beleive in EVER hitting an animal for any reason. Tone of voice is how I train my babies. Patty minds better than any fur-baby I have ever had. Back to the point. I am slowly losing my 13 yr old and we have good days and we have some horrible days so I know how you feel. I'm sorry! Just take comfort in the fact that you were a good mommy trying to make your baby happy. It was not your fault. You will be very sad for awhile and my heart goes out to you. Cry your tears because it will make you feel better in the long-run. You take care and go try to find the others! Linda in Ga

by misscharlie 06 May 2009

I would much rather you have this in your mind and your heart so so so very sorry for the loss of your precious family member. Hope this works I never added a video.

Here is the link I couldn't upload the video sorry

by pigglets54 06 May 2009

This is terrible I'm so sorry you've lost your friends, my pets are like friends. We have coyotes in our area and many pets have been taken.

So sorry for you loss.

by becky45 06 May 2009

I am so sorry about your pets. We live way out in the country and have wild animals....Ronnie and I have both seen Panthers but our Wildlife Managers say they aren't here (??)one was in our back yard last spring. We have lost several calves we figure to the Panthers or Coyotes.
God bless you and your family as I am praying for you.
God bless,

by gerryvb 06 May 2009

so sorry for you,I know how it is to loose your special little friend.hope we can all support you in ginving you a hug and our sympathy.

by meganne 06 May 2009

Karen I can't stop thinking about you. I'm so upset for your terrible loss. Every day when I let my 'Kids' outside I find myself agonising about them coming back inside safely, and every evening I am distraught until they are all safely inside.

You may have read one of my posts when I was going to sign myself out of hospital at midnight because one of my babies hadn't come inside. Totally true!

I love them all so much. What i'm trying to say is I can feel your pain and know how gutwrenching it is.

I just have to say again, please don't give up on the others, they could be hiding down in the street drains or anywhere. Think about it, if you haven't found them dead, there is a good chance that they are still alive.
Please go and keep calling them before nightfall comes again.
I will keep praying that you find them and they are safe. I will be there with you calling them and willing them to come to the safety of their mama.
I just wish I could be there in person, but maybe if all the cuties put their minds to it, we can will them home safely.
Hugs n blessings, Meg

by marjialexa Moderator 06 May 2009

Oh, Karen, I'm so very sorry!! I know that for some of us, losing one of our fur-kids is like losing one of the human kids. They are just little innocents, and we don't know why this kind of thing happens. I know the dilemma, and the guilt. You want the best for them, but some of them are just bound and determined to be outside sometimes. My cats are all rescues, strays, etc., and three of them came in off the streets, and just will not be indoor kitties all the time. I don't let them out after dark, we have come to that compromise, but even in the daytime here in the country there are dangers. But they do so enjoy themselves, and isn't that what living is about? I know Apollo was only 8, but he did enjoy his 8 years, didn't sit at the window and pine to be out catching mice, he went out and did it! It's a sad, horrible end, but all we can hope is that it was quick. I do so hope that your other 'kids' find their way home. Nothing can take the pain of this away, I'm afraid. Please don't beat yourself up with 'shoulda, coulda, wouldas'--what's done is done. Please let us know if the others are ok. Perhaps you should consider an enclosed outdoor space if this is happening. Believe me, Karen, I'm crying with you!!! Much love, many hugs, Marji

by dailylaundry 06 May 2009

This is so sad - I truly feel for you! Don't give up hope on the others - bless your heart!
This bob cat sounds very dangerous..

by tyco4357 06 May 2009

You poor thing! I feel so sorry for you and your furbabies. I hope the other ones are hiding in a tree somewhere. This is just devestating! Hugs and prayers for you.

by jrob Moderator 06 May 2009

Oh, you poor dear. I can't imagine what you are feeling. I am so sorry and sending you a hug.

by blhamblen 06 May 2009

I'm sorry for your loss:( It is hard to loose 1 but having them ALL gone at the same time is horrible...Could it have been a gator??? I hear stories bout that from Florida tooo!
Here is a BIG <<< HUG >>> cuz I know that will help...Feel the warmth!!

by meganne 06 May 2009

OMG, my heart aches for you. I could not imagine having to contend with losing all my babies in such a monstrous manner.
I know it's too late for Apollo but maybe the other three went into hiding or are clinging for life up the highest trees they could find. Do not give up on finding them as they would all have been terrified. I am eternally grateful we don't have such wild animals here in Australia, but even so all my animals are locked inside before sunset every night. In most suburbs here it is illegal to allow cats outside at night because they kill native wildlife, the tiny cute kind.

I will say a prayer that you find your other three babies safe and sound. No doubt they will be badly traumatised so be prepared for a long road back to normal.
My prayers are with you.

by ewroland 06 May 2009

I am so sorry. I know what it's like to lose a furry friend.

I get so scared everytime I let our dog outside and then she doesn't come when I call her. I'm so relieved when she comes running to the deck.

by shirlener88 06 May 2009

Karen, I am so sorry - you will be in my prayers. I know that I can not take the pain away - but I do know how hard it is - when you have a loss - this sort of one is unbearable and only if the other's were safe - can you not worry about it - but if it were a bob cat - there is nothing that you could have done - your Apollo went out and didn't come back - that is not your fault - it was not up to you - please don't blame yourself. I will keep you in my mind, heart, and prayers - until I know you no longer need them. Unconditional Love, Shirlene