by lacat 03 May 2009

Does anyone know where I might get wedding Anniversary embroidery designs?


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by raels011 03 May 2009

I did the redwork doves in gold from Ricky's site and they were beautiful check it out at link

1 comment
lacat by lacat 03 May 2009

Beautiful, I will try it and thanks for your time.

by evajungermann 03 May 2009

If you are looking for freebies I think these are cute

1 comment
lacat by lacat 03 May 2009

Yes they are very nice, now I have a selection. Thanks so much.

by mpo14011 03 May 2009

There is a free design on my site which is suitable

1 comment
lacat by lacat 03 May 2009

already downloaded, and yes it is very much suitable. thanks

by nurselilly 03 May 2009

try makes it easier now to search by category click on download designs up the top and search :) good luck

1 comment
lacat by lacat 03 May 2009

thanks, I'll try.

by shirlener88 03 May 2009

Try any of these:

1 comment
lacat by lacat 03 May 2009

thanks for answering, I appreciate it.