by marymoore 19 Mar 2009

my bobbin even though my machine lets me know when it is running low for some reason i still like to watch it lol my computer is down again i just dont understand it myself it was online but then hubbies was not i wonder if it is because he has vista and i dont but then nothing is connecting to my router not even my laptop so i am really confused and a computer dummy also lol that is my hubbies specialty and he is not to interested in working on it either MEN sometimes i wonder lol


by toet 21 Mar 2009

I mix my left over tiny bits with water in a spray bottle,its great for for you,i miss your posts they allways make me smile.

1 comment
toet by toet 21 Mar 2009

I have the ironing beside my embroidery machine, other wise it would never get done.he he he.

by caydebug 19 Mar 2009

I have the Badge Master (thought it was Sulky), it is the thick kind, and I love it. I use it on all of my fsl, bowls, bells, xmas ornaments and have never had a problem with it. It gets very stiff( but I donot rinse all of it out). If I need it to be any stiffer, I just melt some of the waste pieces in some water, getting it kinda thick, and dip the product in it and it really gets stiff then. Honestly, I never have any problem out of it.

by mpo14011 19 Mar 2009

Mary, the clear WSS(Solvy) is for towels, blankets,polar fleece or anything that has a pile, so it is not a waste. Use WSS vilene for FSL.

by adelmarie 19 Mar 2009

I also use the same technique as Yoriko, I bought some badge master over a year ago when i did not know better and I is indeed yucky but I you use a layer if it and one of the vilene or any of that kind it will make a difference.

by kttyhwk4 19 Mar 2009

Mary the best wss I have every used is Fabric Solvy by Sulky. It looks like fabric and I am able to use the larger hoop and do serveral different fsl designs in same if doing crosses instead of one I may get 3 to 5 depending on the size of the design. Don't know if this helps but hope so.

by shirlener88 19 Mar 2009

Oh Mary - what a sad thing - I understand that you are just trying to use the kind that your DH bought - but you might have to put it aside and wait for the kind that you need - the drooping isn't a good thing - as that means that the middle was stretched out and not the sides - so sorry this has happened and that you are still having PC trouble, too.

by mariahail 19 Mar 2009

I have some of that, I boughted myself, no one to blame, and it was so bad, could not do anything with, so I use it now for embroidery on towels, felt,etc.,
I still think that vylene is the best, there are others but I have not found them yet.The one that I always buy went from 5.00 to 5.50 a yard.You should be happy that your old men is interested in your craft and tries to help you!!!!!***

by simplyrosie 19 Mar 2009

Oh honey, you're using the topper (for towels, etc.)... no, no, no... you need either the thick plastic (ultra solvy) or the mesh kind... I don't use the plastic after I had a design fall apart... only the mesh kind.

1 comment
marymoore by marymoore 19 Mar 2009

well that is what happens when you have a man buy your supplies lol

by jrob Moderator 19 Mar 2009

Actually Mary there is a clear thin (like Saran Wrap) and there is a THICK clear like V e r y heavy plastic. And you are absolutely correct, the thin is not for FSL.....I have 3 lbs of thread in a wad to prove it. I saved it for the last 4 years, just as a reminder.;)

1 comment
marymoore by marymoore 19 Mar 2009

lol well the basket stayed together but it droops bad very bad lol

by clawton 19 Mar 2009

It must be the light weight WSS. I use that on top of designs such as towels to hold the nap. I have the heavy weight solvy brand and it works fine. I used it for one I placed in the projects.

by misscharlie 19 Mar 2009

It will be a good WSS to have for doing towels,blankets and some clothing. Other than that I think the vilene is the best too. Have no idea what is wrong with your pc poor thing :(

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marymoore by marymoore 19 Mar 2009

gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrr you know how i can be without my computer lol

by asterixsew Moderator 19 Mar 2009

Perhaps you could start a for sale section on Cute with this stuff as the starter, slowly building up to adding the husband? (only joking)
Missed your postings as I expect you are busy enjoying your new machine.
The FLS bug has not got me yet so cannot comment on the stuff. Happy sewing

by manami 19 Mar 2009

Marymoore, to make most of the fabric type ones, I use one layer of fabric type and one layer of clear wss. The fabric type on the top. It does work wonderful for me. Hugs&*

1 comment
marymoore by marymoore 19 Mar 2009

lol well i am stuck with this sarran wrap for now till i can go shop lol