by lflanders 12 Mar 2009

of changes in his way of living. Has 7 meds he will have to take forever & no salt in anything. Has to go back for sleep apnea test. At 3:00 A.M. this morning he alerted everyone with his moniters when his heartrate dropped to 29. Of course they had given him something for his backpain after the heart Dr. had said that he could have no pain meds because of his heart attack. I tend to believe that is what caused it but I am NOT a Dr. so we will have to just wait and see. He has always sat down and passed out almost immediately(snoring). He keeps long hours and if he get still for a second, he's gone.The fact that he snores like a freight train coming through the house makes me believe that he is not stopping breathing while he sleeps! You don't snore if you aren't breathing! He is 20 years younger than I am but he looked older than me when he got out today. You could tell how worried he was just by looks & worry is the last thing he needs. It may be a month before he can go back to work. At least 2 weeks if everything goes wonderful but he will not be able to lift anything over 20 lbs. He is in the Heating and A/C business and everything he does, he has to lift more than that.I guess we are all terrified and just not talking about it!

We still need your prayers for he is not out of danger as of yet. My nerves are so bad that I can not quit crying. I am finding it harder everytime I am around him to keep things light and cheerful. That is not like me. I always joke and cut the fool and tease when things are going bad until I am alone. I guess this is my son and too serious for me to stay true to nature and that is not good for him to see me like that. I try to hide it but he knows me to well, not to know that I am holding back the tears. I have got to learn to cook all over again. I do not use much salt as it is but I do use some. He poor wife picks up the salt shaker before she even taste anything. She IS in for a change. He told me I could use Mrs. Dash to season his food(no salt) but I already use that & he had no idea. I also use Pregresso low sodium soup so he can eat that. I guess I am more terrified with him home than I was with him in the hospital. He is so hard-headed. I DO think this put a scare in him though. He has a wonderful wife and she will do all she can to keep him on his diet. No more junk food or soft drinks.
Thank all of you for the prayers and encouraging thoughts. It really means alot to me! Linda in Ga


by edithfarminer 13 Mar 2009

Well Linda, you do not knwo me, but I have folowed your son's story.
My husband had a heart attack some 37 years ago when our oldest son was 5 years old.
He was in hospital and was after back surgery.
I honestly thought he would not live and see the boys grow up, but here we are some 37 years later and he is still enjoying life,
I decided not to worry and cope if something happened and see than.
We had a busy life, but we retired some 15 years ago, felt he deserved some retirement and feared he would not live if he carried on longer in business.
so my story is TO CARRY ON WITH LIFE.
Take all medication given, take reasonable care,re diet, but continue to enjoy life.
If you all around him do so, it will help him too to get on with it.
You worrying will only make him worry what is bad for both of you!!

edithfarminer by edithfarminer 13 Mar 2009

sorry this went before I finished, wanted to wish you strength and courage.
You have many people here praying for you too, such a comfort and take care

lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Edith. thanks so much for your kind words of wisdom. It has been a scary week. He seems to be serious about keeping his diet healthy and his wife will help all she can! I have had alot of encouring letters from so many of you and it has really helped. By the grace of the Lord, he pulled through this and with his faith in the Lord, I hope he will continue to improve. He had a rough night last night(1st night home) but seems to be a little stronger this afternoon. He has a long road ahead of him but with prayers and good diet and trying to take care of himself better, I hope the danger is over. I guess we are all still scared but hoping each day will improve. It has been a long and sleepless week and my body and mind is very tired. I am hoping that peace will soon come so I can relax some. A mother never stops being a mother no matter how old her children are! He does seem to be in fairly good spirits today. That makes me feel better! He is scared but right now that is a good thing-- until he gets used to his new life-style. It will keep him serious until he can learn to live with some of the changes. Again, Thanks! Linda in Ga

by stork 13 Mar 2009

I will continue to pray for your family.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thank you so much! Linda n Ga

by jrob Moderator 13 Mar 2009

I will continue to pray for all 3 of you.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

All your prayers are appreciated! Linda n Ga.

by becky45 13 Mar 2009

My prayers are with you all.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts! Linda n Ga

by iris2006 13 Mar 2009

That is good news, out of hospital. It will be difficult th change his lifestyle but he has to realice that he has got a second change. Keep positive and your family will be in my thoughts.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

How beautiful! Thanks for your encouraging words! Linda n Ga

by marjialexa Moderator 13 Mar 2009

Linda, it's good you have a place to share your fears & feelings. If he does have sleep apnea (and snoring is a sign of that, especially loud snoring) then he's not getting enough oxygen at night, damaging his heart. When he gets his breathing machine called a CPAP, the snoring will end & he'll feel better, & his heart will be able to improve, along with diet changes. Don't worry too much and get yourself in a dither. There really is hope for this!!! Hugs, Marji

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Marji, Thanks for this useful info. I thought if he was snoring that he had to be breathing. I guess I had things all backwards. He has had this problem for many yrs. If a machine will ease the stress on his heart that will be even better for him in the long-range of things! I never panic, I worry until I am sick. I am a very calm person no matter what is going on. I usually keep everone else calm. I met my match. His wife is the same way! She carries the burden on her sholders also. She has been a rock through this. He has a stable cheering section but his wife has too much on her right now. Her mom just had 3 heart attacks 2 months ago and her 56 yr old sister has less than 3 months to live(cancer) 2nd time around. She has been too calm through all of this! Her faith in the Lord carries her through each day! My son really has a wonderful wife. I was afraid I would never be able to say that but when he finally decided to get married, it was the right one! I just held my breath and prayed! I was too scared to say too much. There had been some really BAD girlfriends over the years! Even a couple I had stepped in and run off! I mean BAD ones! Gail had been married before and had a family but she is a good person,thru & thru! He got his ready made family at 41 & he loves children! He has 3 small grand-children. He is in heaven when they are around. He just got married last Sept.(1st)time. It would be just horrible for him to lose all of it so soon. My heart was breaking for everyone concerned, not just myself! Everyone's prayers were heard! Linda in Ga

by manami 13 Mar 2009

Our kids are everything to us, mother. I do understand when you find it hard not crying when something is wrong with them. You and your son will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs&blessings, Yoriko

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thank you so much for the prayers It means alot! Linda n Ga

by waterlily 13 Mar 2009

Goodness Gracious! He (and your family) will be in my prayers.

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lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thanks so much for the prayers for Brian and all of us. Linda n Ga

by marietta 13 Mar 2009

Hello Linda, I am so glad that he is actually out of hospital, that can only be a good sign. Now you must try to relax (how difficult), he needs all of you to help him get better. I had a test for sleep apnea, and I snore too. It is a very easy test, and they can do lots for sleep apnea. When you have sleep apnea you tend to keep your breath in longer than normal, and you are very tired during the day, because, without you knowing, you are not sleeping properly.
Good luck with the salt, and diets. Mabe you can all eat (learn to) the same. Salt is not good for any-one, especially for your blood pressure, and I must still learn to eat less salt in my food, but I know it is difficult.
My prayers are with you all, and try to keep the sunny side up.
Lots of hugs, Marietta

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thanks for the prayers and kind words. I do feel some better now that he is home but the fear is not gone. It all came to close to home for that! I do hope that he is going to get all the help that he needs so that this will never happen again. He is scared also and I think that is a good thing right now. It will make him more serious about doing what the drs. said. Linda n Ga

by pennifold 13 Mar 2009

Thank the Lord for his mercy. What a wonderful caring mum you are and Brian knows you are worried. Don't be afraid for 'He' who knows every beat of your heart and every breath you take is watching over you. Not to mention the hundreds of good people praying for you. Just remember - you are NEVER ALONE - there is always someone to talk to.

This is great advice from Meganne. My husband and I don't put any salt on or in our food - Brian will get used to it. Just a matter of changing your diet and think positively.

Brian is lucky he has been given a second chance. Now all he has to do is listen to his doctors, wife and mum.

Love and blessings Linda, love from Chris.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

All of us are very lucky! We all appreciate the prayers and well wishes that have been sent his way! Everyone here has been just wonderful! Linda n Ga

by gerryvb 13 Mar 2009

there will be angels watching over you and your son,so try to have faith, and take good care for the both of you. hugs, Gerry

marietta by marietta 13 Mar 2009

What a beautifull Angel.!!!!

lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

It is a beautiful angel! I thank you for your prayers. It means alot to all of us! Linda n Ga

by blhamblen 13 Mar 2009

Linda, Hang in there girl...You are very strong...Once he has his sleep apnia under control things will improve greatly...My hubby had the same problem and found he LOVED his machine...even took Sunday naps with it on!

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement! Linda n Ga

by adelmarie 12 Mar 2009

You and your soon will be on my prayers. Make sure that you keep a possitive attitude and also take care of yourself.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

Thanks so much for your prayers. It has been a long hard week but things are looking alot better now. Linda n Ga

by meganne 12 Mar 2009

OH Linda, You really have to stay positive and strong, as difficult as it is, he needs your strength now more than ever, if he is not to stress and worry about his condition.

There are many great foods out there that are Heart Safe, in Australia we actually have foods with the Heart Safe 'tick of approval' on them so that we can make better choices.

It is all about fresh vegetables, VERY LEAN red meat,
Fish like Salmon and Sardines with high Omega 3 oil content, AND NO FATS as in Creams - fried foods etc, Butter and cheeses.

You could investigate supplements such as Vitamin E and Omega 3 Fish Oil tablets, which are beneficial for heart health and are available in 'One a Day' strengths.

You can search online for Heart Healthy recipes and you will find many to choose from, I've added just one link below for you.

Please, most of all, you should try not to worry and cause yourself stress.

I know this probably doesn't help, but my Ray has a bad heart, he's had it stopped and re-started at the hospital on several occasions to try and get it back in rhythm, but it never works so he is on daily medication to prevent blood clots from causing a stroke. It is a common problem and does not stop most people from leading a normal life as long as his diet and exercise is carefully watched. He was even told that sex was good for his heart health and he could even take Viagra if/when he needed it.

So you see, if your son has been told he could go back to work in as little as two weeks, it may not be as threatening as you first thought, just that he needs to change his lifestyle before it becomes serious.

I hope this message gives you some comfort and I will continue to pray for your son's fully recovery back to a heathy lifestyle.
Hugs n blessings, Meganne

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lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

May the Lord bless and keep you well also! It has been a rought ime but brian has a good and caring wife to help him with his diet and proper exercise. I know that she will do her best to keep him on the straight and narrow! I have so much to thank the Lord for that my petty worries seem silly but he is my baby even if he is a grown man. It put a scare into all of us and he seems to be serious about his recovery. He knows that his life-style has been changed forever! Thank you for your useful info. I will forward it to his computer so he can also read it! You have become a wonderful cheering section for all of us in need! My prayers go out to you also! Each and everyone of us need prayers and encouragement at some point in our life. Sometimes we just can'r face it all without some extra help! Thanks so much! Linda in Ga

by marymoore 12 Mar 2009

oh linda he will stay in my prayers just know that GOD IS GOOD

by emily16838 12 Mar 2009

He so lucky to have such a loving mother. You are doing great! One day at a time.

lflanders by lflanders 12 Mar 2009

I divorced when he was 11 & it has been just us for all these years. His Dad has just come back into his life in the last 3 to 4 yrs. They never got along before. I am just being a Mama. We have always been close but I did kinda rule with a heavy hand when I had to. I had to be Mama & Daddy also. It is hard raising a child alone but we had alot of good times. He has always been my best friend. He is a pretty nice fellow, if I have to say so myself. My health is not good and this is just crushing me! It is really making things hard on him(his worries added to mine). I hate to make things worse for him! I know he worries about me also. Thanks for your kind words! Linda

lflanders by lflanders 13 Mar 2009

I am the lucky one to have such a great son! I just want to keep him around a long time. A child is not supposed to go before his parents. A parents heart will never heal from that kind of pain!