by mad14kt 19 Jan 2009

Then Jesus told his disciples...that they should always pray and not give up. (Luke 18:1)

Observe the ant," the great Oriental conqueror Tamerland told his friends. In relating a story from his early life, he said, "I once was forced to take shelter from my enemies in a dilapidated building, where I sat alone for many hours. Wishing to divert my mind from my hopeless situation, I fixed my eyes on an ant carrying a kernel of corn larger than itself up a high wall. I counted its attempts to accomplish this fear. The corn fell sixty-nine times to the ground, but the insect perserved. The seventieth time it reached the top. The ant's accomplishment gave me courage for the moment, and I never forgot the lesson." from the King's Business.

Have you "PRAYED ABOUT IT"!!! Stead fast unmovable PRAYER!!!

Be BLESSED & highly favored of the LORD ;)


by lbrow 19 Jan 2009

I'm so glad to see u back on track for our King's business Monica. thank U

by gerryb 19 Jan 2009

So glad to see the Daily Word back!! Thank you!

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 Jan 2009

I am glad to see you back. Thank you for today.

by jrob Moderator 19 Jan 2009

WELCOME BACK, I've missed you!!!! Thanks.;)