by maleah 07 Jan 2009

how do I send the wonderful flowers?


by clawton 08 Jan 2009

We know you will enjoy the site.

by gramsbear 08 Jan 2009

A BIG WELCOME to you, Maleah. Glad you decided to join us, There is a lot of help given at this site, so ask away! Flower for You!

by elaine45 08 Jan 2009


by iris2006 08 Jan 2009

Welcome to this beautiful place. If you want to know more about how this site works, go to the tab "tutorial" at your left hand site. See the posts of marjilexa. She did a wonderfull job here.

by dkjack 07 Jan 2009

When you see an green flower on the right side of the page - you can click on it and when it turns orange - that means that you have given that person a flower and one of their numbers will change under their name. You can receive flowers by answering or askng questions, posting a project in the project section. Project flowers are already orange, so when you click one, they turn gray. You can also give and receive flowers through the bookmark section.

1 comment
mrzpurple by mrzpurple 08 Jan 2009

Flowers to all three of you. I always wondered this myself.

I do have a question to go along with the original one. What's the difference between the flowers in your profile and the flowers that are given to you by others?
