by simplyrosie 27 Dec 2008

...hubby losing his job and all, plus we're wanting to move after he graduates from school this summer. Anyway, I have so much stuff I need to get arid of... if anyone is interested, please email me... addy is in the profile. :-)


by mops Moderator 31 Dec 2008

Oh Teri, so sorry to hear the reason you're selling. They are beautiful, never seen anything like it. Here the tins are rather straightforward, round or square, flat or domed top, that's it. I love the one with the bow and the castle like one in the front middle. But as Gerry said sending them over would cost a fortune. I wish you good luck with selling and hope and pray your DH will find a job soon.

by dianned 30 Dec 2008

So sorry you're having to do this - I'd love to buy some of the cake tins but I'm in the UK and I'd hate to think what the postage would cost! Good luck with selling them.

Dianne x x x

by marjialexa Moderator 28 Dec 2008

Oh, good luck, Teri! These are beautiful, and I'm sure someone will buy them. The Craig's List thing is a good idea, since they are local lists, don't have to worry so much about shipping things. Seems like we're all in the same boat, so many people getting laid off, money so tight. I'm trying to sell some of Bud's books on the Marines, Harley, ships, etc. to get a few pesos, too. My prayers are with you, and all of us! Love, Marji

by blessinge 28 Dec 2008

I sure wish I could help you. I would love some of the pans, I love to bake and decorate. I have all of my grandma's bakeware and decorating tips. Unfortunately I'm in the same position as you are. I was laid off in September, haven't found a job either. My husband is retired and we recently had some not so good news about his health. I have been selling my Tupperware (I have boxes from when I sold Tupperware) at incredibly cheap prices to help pay the bills. You can try listing your items on Craig's list, here's the general site for it...
I wish you luck in getting them sold and hope your husband is able to find a job soon.

1 comment
simplyrosie by simplyrosie 28 Dec 2008

Oh yes, I had posted on CL before posting on CUTE. :-) xoxo

by gerryvb 28 Dec 2008

oh Teri what a beautiful collection. I don't bake that much, but I love the house with the trees in the corners. unfortunally I don't live nearby.(I'm from the netherlands)I hope you can sell them for a good price, because they are worth it.Perhaps a bakery-school would like to buy?hoop you will succeed,in selling and in jobhunting for hubby.

by shirlener88 28 Dec 2008

Good luck Teri - hope you get them sold.

by michelej 28 Dec 2008

Wow, how sad that you have to sell them all...I have plenty in my own stock. Hope someone will buy them from you. Hope your hubby can get another job soon......

1 comment
simplyrosie by simplyrosie 28 Dec 2008

Thanks michele... I really don't use all this stuff anymore, so I'm not sad to see it go... :-) Besides, I want to have a lesser load when we move. xoxo

by simplyrosie 27 Dec 2008

Here are some pics.. I have other pans too and cookie cutters. Lots of Nordic Ware and Wilton. Most are brand new, never used... all in PERFECT condition.

mariahail by mariahail 27 Dec 2008

I love the decorator tips... please let me know about them.Thanks.

simplyrosie by simplyrosie 28 Dec 2008

Hello big sister, email me... k? xoxo