by sewingerr 13 Dec 2008

Hi cuties!! You know what? I just bought my christmas present. I membership from Cute... using the 30%, i have been a member since sept 08 and now I have a membership fof 6 mo. yessss.. thank u


by jrob Moderator 14 Dec 2008

Congratulations and Happy Embroidering!

by blhamblen 14 Dec 2008

What a wonderful gift:) One of those To: Me From: Me Because: I love ME!

by marjialexa Moderator 13 Dec 2008

Congrats!!! Isn't this a wonderful sale?? I hope it allows more of our friends to take advantage of becoming members, so incredibly inexpensive for all that you get here!! Merry early Christmas to you!! Marji

1 comment
sewingerr by sewingerr 13 Dec 2008

same to you..Merry Christmas and great new year 2009, embroidering everything...;o)