by mimisue 05 Dec 2008

Does anyone have advice about embroidering designs that do not pucker on thin fabrics?


by dlmds 05 Dec 2008

Mimisue, This can be a hard one. It can depends on the hooping, the fabric, and the stabilizer. Your stabilizer need to be taunt, but not stretched. It is said heavy stabilizer for light fabric, and lighter stabilizer for heavy fabric. At times I have used sewing iron-on interfacing on the back of light fabric before I embroidery on it. There have been times that I had to make the thread tenion looser. It does not work very well to try and put a dense design on light fabric, use light, airy designs This is another reason to always do a test stitch. After you do your test stitch, write us and say what fabric,needle,and thread you used, and what your design is doing or not doing. This would make it easier to give you better advice. Boy, am I a blabber mouth or what. HaHa!! I hope I have given you some help, and not just confused you more. Happy embroidering!! H&*.

jrob by jrob 05 Dec 2008

good answers.;)

peggy by peggy 05 Dec 2008

exactly... especially the part about dense design and testing

mimisue by mimisue 05 Dec 2008

Thanks. I will try these suggestions.