by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

Who's up at 2:30 am? Both machines are stitching flat out on those emblibrary angels. I'm working on a couple other projects while they're going. I hope I don't get called in to work tomorrow.


by elaine45 04 Dec 2008

Can't wait until I can get a second machine it would be heaven.....Up at 2:30am is another thing

1 comment
maryjo by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

I'd trade both for 1 multi needle commercial machine in a heart beat. I am spoiled by using 12 needle machines at work. I hate doing thread changes now!!!!!

by sissibrode 04 Dec 2008

I have 8-hour shift with you (in France) and I wish you good courage! not easy to have triplets and work together...

1 comment
maryjo by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

The triplets are my grand daughters. They will be 2 in Jan. I watch them 3 afternoons a week to cover the gap between when Mommy goes to work and Daddy gets home. Fun but exhausting.

by blhamblen 04 Dec 2008

HI it's 3 am here in chicago and I can't sleep..can't start machine cuz it will wake son and I'll just sit here and tiptoe thru the *'s. passing them out to everyone:)

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 04 Dec 2008

Oh Barb, you would be surprised men and animals get very used to machine's running - ask me how I know - hope you pass the time quickly and you get tired soon.

by toet 04 Dec 2008

It's 6pm in AUSTRALIA, where are you HE HE *4U

maryjo by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

I'm in Southern Maryland, USA. And getting very tired. Worked all day and then watched the triplets til' 7:30 pm. Hit the grocery store and got home about 9. Gotta get these things done for Saturday.

toet by toet 04 Dec 2008

My ,i wish i could help you. You are a very special lady,your family must love you very much. My sister has twins, grown now. I remember how hard she worked,her answer was to always smile when she was tied and when her children made her cross,she gave them hugs and kisses told them she loved them.

maryjo by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

Do you want to help me stitch or help me watch the triplets?? They will be 2 in January and are into everything in 3 different directions. I adore them but they sure do tucker me out. Especially after a full work day. I usually get home and crash. Tonight I can't. No time for sleep.

by shirlener88 04 Dec 2008

Maryjo, I am up - but here it is only 12:55 AM - Thursday Morning - I guess - my Wednesday night - I have my embroidery running too. But then in my world it is just late evening - my husband works second shift and have been home a couple hours. Hehehe! Can't wait to see your angels.

maryjo by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

Me too! I love angels, and freestanding ones are really fun. DH is still in Fl. so I can run all night and not disturb him. Dogs are wondering what's going on tho. I really do hope I don't get called in to work tomorrow. Not for lack of sleep, I just want to get this craft fair stuff done and ready to go.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 04 Dec 2008

Well, if you are still up - then hopefully - that means that you are supposed to be doing yor craft fair stuff - please let us know how that goes - OK?

maryjo by maryjo 04 Dec 2008

It's got to be better than the last one!!