by mad14kt 03 Dec 2008


Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2

Diseases start with one germ that spreads quickly to infect an entire body. It's true in the medical world; it's also true in the relational world. One negative person can spread a virus of negativity in the workplace, around the dinner table or throughout an entire social circle.

When we keep our heads down, we can easily get consumed with "earthly things" — finances, family quarrels, office disputes and even those negative people. It's then that the virus, which started with one negative germ, begins to take over. Soon, negativity becomes part of who we are. And without even knowing it, we begin to spread the epidemic.

But we don't have to become infected just because we've been exposed to negativity. We have a vaccine. And it's as simple as looking up.

When we focus on God and the "things above," we combat the negativity of the world that tries to pull us down.

So when you are faced with negativity, don't contribute to the problem. Instead, be part of the cure. Make 'looking up' a part of your daily routine and discover how God can prevent the spread of the disease.

by Pastor Ed Young


by lbrow 03 Dec 2008

Thank U Monica

by jrob Moderator 03 Dec 2008

Well said.;)

by crafter2243 Moderator 03 Dec 2008

Thank you.

by stitchship 03 Dec 2008

I agree! Praise the Lord! :) Thank you for posting this! Have a lovely day!