by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

I was rushing getting ready for church. Everybody was waiting for me. I grabbed the "finishing touch" my hair spray! I started spraying and spraying and thought "it feels strange". There was no stiffening "action"... oopps it smells different. I stopped, looked at the can in my hands, and I almost died! I was spraying air freshener on my hair! I had no time to wash it again, or do anything else... yep... I had to go to church smelling like "Floral Fresh" disinfecting spray! I am not even 50 yet! That is what happens when you buy both can, the same size, and similar color ! LOL..........Of course I got a laugh from my family, but I rushed out of church before anyone could smell me!


by meganne 10 Oct 2008

That's the reason I stopped buying aerosol air fresheners, AND deodorants, I only use the auto-spray dispensers and roll-on d's now, and there's no way I will tell you how young I was when I did it, separate occasions, different products, same outcome. (total embarrassment!) Hugs n roses, M

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stitchship by stitchship 11 Oct 2008

:) I am glad that I am in good company! *

by sueffb1 10 Oct 2008

I always tell everyone that as long as I can laugh at myself I will never cease to be amused!!! I can do some pretty silly things sometimes. Sue

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stitchship by stitchship 11 Oct 2008

We are all "ears" if you want to share... or should I say all "eyes" ready to read!;)

by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

Thanks to you all, for sharing your stories. I really appreciate that! You all have a nice day, and enjoy your *s. *4Uall

by nglover1 09 Oct 2008

At least you were flower fresh. HeHe A flower for you

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

I know, imagine if it had been citrus something or other...

by toet 09 Oct 2008

You have made my day,sometimes i only get one leg shaved in the shower when im in a rush,thats when i pull on a pair of jeans.

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

I am glad that I made your day! ;)

by lbrow 09 Oct 2008

That's almost as bad as me looking down at my feet after I got n church and seeing my bedroom slippers, and I had to walk up n front of everybody to go to the organ. I would love to have crawled n a back pew & stayed there. LOL *4U

stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

I can imagine! I once wore a blue and a black shoe! Both identical except for the difference in color. I almost did that last week!

meganne by meganne 10 Oct 2008

Oh, Lillian thank you! I wore my slippers to the National Tenpin Tournament, and being so well known there was no way I was going unseen.
Luckily I had to change into bowling shoes, and I did that as quickly as humanly possible that day!!!!
So glad i'm not alone on that one.
hugs, M

by annmounce 09 Oct 2008

You never know, someone may call you this week and ask for the name of your new lovely perfume fragrance. :-)

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

Ha, ha, ha...! That would be something wouldn't it?

by sherylac 09 Oct 2008

Hi, I have done that as well,but, I sprayed deodorant into my hair and the hairspray in the armpit, lucky they were hair free!!!! lol. Welcome to the rest of your life, its great, enjoy and have a good laugh at yourself

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

Thanks for sharing... it is so nice to know that I am not alone! ;)

by jrob Moderator 09 Oct 2008

get a WHIF of this!

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

;) *

by debleerl 09 Oct 2008

What a hoot! I needed a good laugh:-D *4U

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

I am so glad to contribute to your amusement! I like to hear other's stories, so if you would like to share... our eyes are open (can't say our ears here).

by blhamblen 09 Oct 2008

I had to walk away from this...laughing so hard had tears:) When I came back I'm still chuckling(to myself of course) I better knock on wood cuz NONE of these things have ever happened to me :) * 4 ALL of YOU

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stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008

Oh honey, as long as there is breath in our bodies, I imagine that we are capable of such wonderful acts! ;) Maybe one of these days you unconsciously join our ranks!

by bikermomfl 09 Oct 2008

guess it's a good thing I don't use hairspray but I do have a habit of only spraying one armpit if I'm in a hurry. Not quite sure why maybe I only stink half the time! Oh well to know me is to love me, stink and all......

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

LOL! You really have me laughing here. Thanks for sharing!

by mops Moderator 09 Oct 2008

The other day I was in a hurry, grapped the bottle of "dry oil" sprayed myself liberally with the stuff, felt a bit strange and turned out to be hairspray. Same green bottle, well, almost. So had to take another shower.

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008


by mariahail 09 Oct 2008

hahahahahahahaha, that reminds me of something. I was 28 and having a "hot date" I was running late and grabbed the hair spray and had that same feeling of the hair spray not holding, well.......It was lemon Pledge. So you see it is not the age it is going in a hurry...I had to canceled the date by the way, and he was gorgeous. LOL

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

LOL Well, maybe it was for the best. It might not have been the right gorgeous guy for you!

by pafhen 09 Oct 2008

Oh I love it. Just think, they didn't have to spray the church that morning. hehe. Makes my day for I am just a tick over 50 and have pulled some really good ones. Thanks for the smile you gave me today. ;-)

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

You are welcome! I might like hearing some of your stories. Thanks to the Lord it was a Wednesday night, and a lot of people don't make it to church, so it wasn't crowded.

by emily16838 09 Oct 2008

I brushed my teeth with "deep heating rub" yeow!!!!!!! :-)

stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

Double yuck! That must have been something else!

meganne by meganne 10 Oct 2008

I know of someone (not me) who used DeepHeat in her nether region instead of that personal hormone cream for women. She told me she did more than "tingle" and her DH was not impressed either. And still another friend grabbed the Vicks (in the dark) instead of the lube Gel.
just can't imagine it!!!
hnr, M

by mad14kt 09 Oct 2008

Stitch your doing DH got you beat...LOL ;) *2U

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

Want to share?

by gerryb 09 Oct 2008

Hee hee!I've smelled worse at church sometimes! My mom sprayed her hair with foaming bathroom cleaner when in a rush to get to work! I think I'll stick to not spraying my curls! They just fight the spray anyway!

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

Oh my... I think that I like the Floral Fresh incident better!

by americangirl 09 Oct 2008

Oh, you guys are too funny. At least you still smelt fresh.

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stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

I know that is the truth! ;)

by ezzemml 09 Oct 2008

Need to make can covers.I use to make them in te 70's with scraps of ready quilted material and make a tube to slide over the can it went up to the top of the cylinder and had gthered lace top and bottom. but now you can make one with embroidery. i think that might be my next project. have fun.

marymoore by marymoore 09 Oct 2008

hey do they have can covers sounds cool et me know

ezzemml by ezzemml 09 Oct 2008

It made the cans look pretty and no one couls see it was the el cheapo ones.

stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

Ha, ha, ha! That is just too funny. I also think it could be a good idea!

toet by toet 09 Oct 2008

great idea wii have to try that

by misscharlie 09 Oct 2008

Did you attract bee's? LMBO!!! *

stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

It is too cold here for that! Besides it was after their bedtime!

michelej by michelej 10 Oct 2008

All you ladies are so funny. I can`t stop laughing.... The only dumb thing I can think of at this stage is I am always loosing my sunglasses. I hate driving without them but get even more annoyed to find that they were on my head all along and just waiting for me to put them on my

stitchship by stitchship 10 Oct 2008


by marymoore 09 Oct 2008

oh now that is funny lmbo now i am going to be 40 and sometimes my kids put things in different places and i hate to say what i brushed my teeth with one day preperation H yuck

stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

ROFL... This is just too funny! Worse than mine I must say! But... I would rather smell like Floral Fresh, than brushing with Preparation H!

americangirl by americangirl 09 Oct 2008

YUCK!! That's awful.

marymoore by marymoore 09 Oct 2008

my kids are small and sometimes i wonder if they do it on purpose

americangirl by americangirl 09 Oct 2008

Could be just to get a reaction out you. I bet it works pretty good too. LOL

marymoore by marymoore 09 Oct 2008

you should of seen my reaction running through the house chasing them we was laughing hubby thought we was all nuts he just shook his head lol

stitchship by stitchship 09 Oct 2008

I used to tremble on April Fools day, our girls used to play naughty tricks on us! One year they put something gooey like honey on the refrigerator handle and other places, and it was awful. I don't like having dirty hands... they thought it was funny!