by joaniessw 25 Aug 2008

I will apply for a very casual job (one day a week?!) to work around the lady I'm helping here and then school in Sept. Please pray I get the grant for the course I want to take as that is the only way I will be able to take it. I am feeling overwhelmed today with all debts, stress, work, school, things around this house etc....


by colonies1 27 Aug 2008

keep focus and all will come out as they say in the wash. You will make it ............prayers are with you.

by joaniessw 27 Aug 2008

I humbly thank you ladies for all your kind words. I know I will make it, just a rut once in a while. I must keep my eyes focused Heaven ward. You all are so kind. Floral bouquets for you all. ><>

by lbrow 25 Aug 2008

Take a deep breath, think about what u will accomplish when u have finished school. Take ea. day as it comes & ask the Lord for strength to just get through that day, Hhang n there joanie, u will make it. Have confidence n yourself *4U

by shirlener88 25 Aug 2008

Joanie, dear one - it will all work out - one day at a time - one step at a time - you are following a plan set out for you and He will not steer you wrong - get peaceful and thank Him for all that He has provided to you and for you - take a deep breath - He never said it would be easy - but that it would be worth it. *4U

by jrob Moderator 25 Aug 2008

Don't worry about the future, He is already there!;)

by grannyo 25 Aug 2008

Keep calm, whenever you feel the stress building up inside of you, take some deep breaths. Don't spend too much time looking into the future. The present is what you need to work on. That's how the future takes care of itself. You only glance into your future to decide what to do right now. Right now you want to write your resume. How's that coming along? *4u :-)

by simplyrosie 25 Aug 2008

Ah... I see the LORD's plan is coming together... He sure does take care of those who seek Him, doesn't He?

"Seek FIRST the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you". Matthew 6:33

Oh my darling Joanie, I pray such good things for you... that you will grow into the very person He has fashioned you to be! I thank Adonai for allowing me to see and be a part of all this! Woo hoo!

by shirleysisson 25 Aug 2008

Thoughts and prayers are with you. Live one day at a time and live each day to the full. *4U

by adelmarie 25 Aug 2008

Just live it one day at the time and do not overwork yoursel. Life is short and we only have one... be optimist and get the best of it!

by nonmusicmom 25 Aug 2008

When i fill over welmed I find it helpful to make a list of all the possitive points in my life and then focus on these while I endure the trials at the moment. Keep your chin up.*4U

by marymoore 25 Aug 2008

girl hang in there do not get over worked and frustrated life does go on and you will be blessed

by celticlady1031 25 Aug 2008

Hey girl! Don't sweat the small stuff. You do what you can do and the rest will be there tomorrow. I'm sure you will get your grant. What are you taking? When my daughter was in college I spent hoursonline looking for grants. It's a great source. Now if we could just get someone to digitize a money tree we would all be rolling in the stuff. Hang in there.