by cordura5 02 Aug 2008

It was still running when they found it. They punched out the ignition so we couldn't turn it off without disconnecting the battery. They stole one important thing and then just some silly things. They got his $1500 camera (Canon D40) and then they took both car seats. Do they have kids or something? They even took a sunshade and his eyeglasses. Weird. They did take an express lanes transponder. Why would they take that unless they planned on using it? If they do use it, the company takes pictures of any car using a transponder that is not on the account of that user. That is one hope we have of finding out who did it. They also took finger prints, but who knows if they will get anything. The only prints that should be in there are my husband's and mine. No one else has been in there. I sort of feel deflated...


by letvia 03 Aug 2008

Sorry to hear that something like this happens to you. But the most important thing is that you and your family are safe. But now have to be careful with that people because is not only the guy who took your car but the whole family. Be very, very careful and God Bless you and your family. Flower and XoXo

by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

We think the boy across the street from us may be involved. He was involved with another car that was stolen from the neighborhood. He and another guy broke in to their house also. They stole a gun, which was bad for them, because the other boy was already on parole. The one across the street from us got off though, because he said his friend came and picked him up and he didn't know that the car, or any of the possessions, were stolen. Yeah, right. I found out later that his mom had taken the jewelry box that was missing and showed the other parents. She never turned it in though. So that kind of gives you an idea of the 'trash' we are dealing with. His brother said he was out all night drinking and came home drunk. That doesn't mean he didn't do it! It happened around 4 am.

Oh, they also took a spiral notebook that had a bunch of notes that my husband was using for work. He does computer programming, and he said it lost him about two hours of work. I said that maybe they saw all of the writing in it and thought that there were account numbers. They did steal his checkbook though.

by gerryb 03 Aug 2008

Hang in there! People can do the stupidest things... hopefully they will try to use the transponder! When our son was in college, someone broke into his car and stole his BIBLE!! He said they must have needed it more than he did! I've always wondered if they ever read it. (Actually I think they thought the zipper case it was in had CD's in it!)

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cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

If his bible had been in there, they probably WOULD have stolen it. It is in a leather case, so like your son, they would have thought it to be something else. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it was at home. That's what they need though!

by grannyo 03 Aug 2008

Please don't allow this to drag you down. The acts that these people have done will drag them down. Too often it will hurt those that the crime was against. Shake it off and allow forgiveness for your own health. Stress and worry hurt you and take away from your life, not theirs. Take care and take measures to protect yourself. You are in my prayers. *4U

by shirlener88 02 Aug 2008

cordura5, I am so sorry this happened to you - more than likely - the car seats were in their way - they might have just taken them out of the car and didn't keep them - nonetheless - it is a horrible thing to have happen. I will be praying for you and your family. *4U

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cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

Either that, or their girlfriend had a baby. They not only took the car seats, but also a baby blanket! We didn't tell my daughter (4 years) as she had recently claimed it from her brother. She had wanted to take it to preschool with her on Friday, but when my husband dropped her off, he talked her into leaving it in the car. Unfortunately it was still there. Oh well.

by joaniessw 02 Aug 2008

my sympathy with you two. I hope and pray they find out who did this to you. Same as tabsalom, my house was broke into many years ago. It is such a feeling of invasion of privacy. *4U ><>

by tabsolom 02 Aug 2008

I know how you feel our house was broken into a few years ago it is such a hollow eerie feeling. My thoughts are with you and unlike me I hope they find the little pains in the buts that did this to you. I hope a * will cheer you up a bit...

by clawton 02 Aug 2008

Sorry to hear about the car. People do the craziest things. Maybe the police will get lucky with the transponder. The people may not know how it works.

by jrob Moderator 02 Aug 2008

That's just creepy! With the economy going to the dogs like it is, there will be lots more of that happening. I am sorry it happened to you and I hope you find the culprits. Just a note, it's usually cheaper to have a locksmith replace your ignition than it is a car dealer.;)

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cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

Thanks. I'll let my husband know.

by bikermomfl 02 Aug 2008

like so many other, been there, done that, many moons ago my car was stolen the night before we were to leave on vacation with 2 small children. Curiously they found it (or my ex did) the day after he returned to work. Often wondered if my ex was the culprit. REgardless I know your pain, but keep in mind it's a lot better to have to stolen to have been carjacked! Keep your chin up and good luck.

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cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

Thanks. That is very true. Much better to not be in the car!

by auntbaba 02 Aug 2008

I'm so sorry to hear about the car! Times are hard enough lately without someone taking your possessions!
I hope that your car insurance will help you repair/replace the car; and I pray that they will find the thief. Hugs and prayer...Barb

getEdited - SELECT
by nglover1 02 Aug 2008

So sorry to hear about this. Several years ago my car was stolen and when found they had taken everything (I had Christmas gifts inside the trunk. . ) When they found it what they didn't take was torn up and liquer was poured over everything. When you make your claim leave it open until you have had time to think about what was in the car. My husband thought of tools and other things later when he started to use them and remember he had left in the car. You feel like you have been violated . Good luck with the fingerprints. ( No one was ever arrested in our case). Here is a flower for you.

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cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

I told my husband that for months we will be thinking of little things that were in there that came up missing.

by dgrammy 02 Aug 2008

That's aweful,I hope they catch them.I know how terrible it feels to have some one invade your private property.Hugs n flowers 4 u

by mad14kt 02 Aug 2008

Cordura be encouraged. People who do things like that fail to realize that they don't live long. They either get killed or jailed. What they do unto others will come back to them. That's a Promise from the Lord...even through this a GREAT THING SHALL MANIFEST ;) *2U

by minnieb 02 Aug 2008

Been there sweetie its hard to understand why they do it ,My car was taken about 20 years ago ,car seat was gone ,soft drink sprayed all over the car and dope left in back seat
I could never put my kids back in that car I had to sell it ,I took it real bad , know your pain , I think its the car seats that hurts the most

cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

The car seats can be replaced, but the camera hurts the most. Not only was it very expensive, but I had given it to him for Christmas. It had a whole bunch of lenses and card readers and extra things that I had given to him also. Not to mention the pictures that were still on there. Some of me, the kids, etc.

minnieb by minnieb 03 Aug 2008

I just came back to ask if the camera had photos
I took it hard that someone touched my kids seats it was so hard at the time . what do the police think

by elaine45 02 Aug 2008

I guess you do feel a bit deflated....what a awful thing to happen to anybody. I hope that the police can figure it out. Good luck

by nonmusicmom 02 Aug 2008

wow thats scary but I'm glad no one was hurt. Hope they find the thieves.

by marymoore 02 Aug 2008

oh my sorry to hear this what is wrong with people now a days

by colonies1 02 Aug 2008

we had our truck gotten into and things taken we were lucky they didn't find the money my husband had in it( wasn't ours) but they took the keys which he has left in his truck for years. We fiqured they got spooked and planned on coming back later.He was caught by our neighbor three houses down and he made him empty his pockets so we got back a couple of things he had. He got away and never did find out who did it. We NOW lock everything up. Never had to before. We were lucky. It is a bummer to have this happen.

by emily16838 02 Aug 2008

What a bummer..many years ago some thiefs, broke into our car and took an afghan in progress... I was making it for my mom for Christmas. I hope they tied it off! I worked so hard on it...It made me sad for a long time. Where in California do you live?

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cordura5 by cordura5 03 Aug 2008

We are in southern California. Lake Elsinore to be exact. It is near Temecula, right in between Riverside and San Diego.

by shirleysisson 02 Aug 2008

I'm so sorry to hear this. I had my car stolen once and we eventually got it back. They had cut all the wiring and it cost a fortune to get it fixed. Hopr your insurance covers all that has been stolen. *4U

by bonehead 02 Aug 2008

That's awful. I can't understand how someone could do that - yet it happens all of the time. I sure hope that they catch who ever it was!

by lbrow 02 Aug 2008

And U feel violated, I'm so sorry cordura, do not understand why bad things happen to good people. they may catch them & they may not. I hope your insurance co will cover everything U lost but still it gives u a bad feeling that cannot b erased. *4U