getEdited - SELECT
by asterixsew Moderator ( edited 05 Dec 2023 ) 04 Dec 2023

I have been intending to post about Engineered in Stitches and Sue D. I appear to have been in a slow to reverse mode and my post hasn’t happened until now. Last month £2000 was raised for St Barnabas’s hospice from donations for Sue’s unique machine embroidery designs. All together over the years £22,982.66 has been raised for the hospice from Sue’s designs. Sue’s great friend Scotty (a member here on Cute) received end of life care in St Barnabas. For newer Cuties Sue Dewsbury was an extremely active member here but has moved on to create Engineered in Stitches on Facebook which is keeping her extremely busy. Sue had announced she was closing the site but the response from members has been such that it’s remaining


by malemb 04 Dec 2023

There was a post back in October, that she is closing her site this month. Maybe there’s still time to donate, before the end of the year.

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 05 Dec 2023

See above but if you don’t she is staying open

by 02kar Moderator 04 Dec 2023

Thanks for posting this. Her designs and digitizing is superb. I encourage everyone to check out Sue’s website.