getEdited - SELECT
by dlonnahawkins ( edited 20 Nov 2023 ) 19 Nov 2023

*** Edit***

Our nephew passed last evening at about 7:00 PM. He went into multiple organ failure and his family decided to be merciful and not put him through anything else. We are heartbroken. He was a loving son, father, and grandfather. His services are Wednesday in the Florida Panhandle.
My girls both have offered to drive us. My hubby is not able to be out on a trip like that, and I hate to leave him alone. We have to discuss our plans, but I know that he wants to be there to console his sister.
Our hearts are broken.  
We do have one positive note. Our grand-daughter-in-law was able to go home last evening. It appears that she had some sort of severe gastrointestinal bug. Her labs that were coming back abnormal were taken from the arm that she was receiving fluids in. Thank you, God, for that.

Like so many, our family is having so many issues right now. A week ago, I received word that my niece Holly, has had a recurrence of cancer they thought was under control. We learn this week if they are going to continue with treatment or go into Hospice care.
Then this Friday, my husband's nephew Paul went in for open heart surgery (he just turned 55) and they could not restart his heart. He has been put on the external pump and transported to Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida for emergency heart transplant.
Then this morning, we got word that my youngest grandson's wife was taken to the hospital by ambulance. They are running a CT on her today, and possibly going into surgery this afternoon. Not sure what is causing her issue, but it was causing server heart rate issues. They just moved back into central Florida in late August. He retired with disabilities after nearly 13 years in the Air Force. They have 2 little ones, ages 2 and 3.

Prayers please, once again for all of these younger ones. It has been very hard for us this year and have had so much going on.

Prayers please


by sebsews 21 Nov 2023

This post just breaks my heart. Sending prayers to all. Please travel safely.

by basketkase 21 Nov 2023

So sorry for the loss of a loved one....prayers to all...

by cfidl 20 Nov 2023

Prayers for you and yours.

by loriziegler 20 Nov 2023

I am so sorry for you all! Prayers for you and your family!

by loriziegler 20 Nov 2023

I am so sorry for you all! Prayers for you and your family!

by shirley124 20 Nov 2023

Sending prayers for all the family. Hugs

by peafarm 20 Nov 2023

Oh my goodness---what your family is going thru is tremendous---My prayers are with you all. Oh, yes, I keep a prayer list and keep my Cute family in my mind. It pings all thru the day to remember to mention a prayer.

by graceandham 20 Nov 2023

What a difficult blow. Please accept my sympathy and prayers in this sad and difficult time.

by maleah 20 Nov 2023

I am so sorry to hear of your nephews passing. Prayers will be said for your families healing....God Bless

by toogie 20 Nov 2023

So sad to hear of Paul’s passing. I know the family is devastated. May the good Lord watch over you all during this time of loss and decision making. May you turn to Him to find peace and comfort. Safe travels if you all do decide to go.

by sdrise 20 Nov 2023

My sympathies to you and the family. Prayers are coming your way too.
Take care Suzanne

by rescuer Moderator 20 Nov 2023

Prayers for comfort and peace.

by dragonflyer 20 Nov 2023

So sad to hear about all of the trials and tribulations you and your family are going through...sending love and light to you.

by basketkase 20 Nov 2023

Enough is enough dear Lord, please remove this family from all this despair and surround them with nothing but God 's love and light. I pray this in Jesus name , Amen....

by loriziegler 19 Nov 2023

Prayers for all of your family!

by graceandham 19 Nov 2023

Praying for all your group!

by asterixsew Moderator 19 Nov 2023

Oh dear your life certainly sounds decidedly fraught. Positive thoughts for all of you