by asterixsew Moderator 08 Oct 2023

When sending a PM to the moderators please include all of us, which is rescuer, mops, jrob, 02kar, crafter2243 and asterixsew.



getEdited - SELECT
by jrob Moderator edited 12 Oct 2023

Just go to the Q&A section and look for moderator as a tag.

by basketkase 11 Oct 2023

I also am an offender sewtired my old brain has a hard time remembering things these days.....It is not intentional to forget any one of you.....all of our dear moderators are not thanked nearly enough for helping Veronika run this wonderful website! Thank you to all! 🥰

by sewtired 09 Oct 2023

Sorry that I haven't been doing that, but I can never remember who all of you are. I'll try to do better.