by 02kar Moderator 06 Oct 2023

So many of you have been praying for me for so long. I have good news and we are so very grateful for each prayer and good vibes sent for us. I have finished my treatments!!!!! I have to have another CT scan and then hopefully, I will be in the follow up stage. My doctor made me laugh because he told us that he and I will be attached at the hip for years to come. Gotta love a doctor with a sense of humor. It will be another couple of months before I am up and running, but the goal is in sight. Again, thanks for keeping us in prayer.


by mops Moderator 07 Oct 2023

Such wonderful news. I am so happy for you!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 10 Oct 2023

Thank you. I hope you made it home safe and sound

by dlonnahawkins 07 Oct 2023

Karen, what great news. I know what you and hubby are going through, as we went through that too. Right now, he is on regular checkups...And that has stretched to every 6 months.

Such great news.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 10 Oct 2023

Thank you. That is wonderful news that your hubby has graduated to every six months. Worthy of a celebration.

by sllakin 07 Oct 2023

I haven't been here on CUTE for quite some time and I'm sorry to hear that you have been ill but so very glad to read that things are going well for you and that things are now looking up! Prayers and Blessing for continuing recovery and health.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 10 Oct 2023

Thank you. I hope you visit much more often.

by cfidl 07 Oct 2023

It is nice to visit and find this post. Best wishes!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. It is good to see you visit.

by dragonflyer 07 Oct 2023

Such great news Karen! So happy that you are finished with your treatments and they were successful.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thank you and hope all is well with you. You give so much to the Cute members.

by maleah 07 Oct 2023

I am so glad that your results are positive. Keep that feeling up. I will keep praying for you....

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. Our friends and neighbors continue to care for us and make us laugh.

by pennifold 07 Oct 2023

Thanks be to God Karen, for your answer to prayers. I keep you in my daily prayers and know that you've got this. I'm so glad that your doctor is with you all the way. Love Chris

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks Chris. He has poured out miracle after miracle and gotten us through this.

by toogie 06 Oct 2023

Good news is always welcome. I also love a good sense of humor. Take care my friend.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. Your posts have always lifted my heart. Keep stitching.

by graceandham 06 Oct 2023

Hoorah! Uh, I may have the wrong branch of the military. This is the best news and I am delighted for the two of you and your extended family as well.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. All of the branches are family so Hoorah is fine

by loriziegler 06 Oct 2023

I am so glad that you are doing better! You are so sweet and caring you deserve nothing but happiness! I would not have gotten through my own cancer battle without your prayers and advice and patience and understanding! I will ALWAYS keep you in my prayers! Hugs from PA and tons of prayers also!

by loriziegler 06 Oct 2023

I am so glad that you are doing better! You are so sweet and caring you deserve nothing but happiness! I would not have gotten through my own cancer battle without your prayers and advice and patience and understanding! I will ALWAYS keep you in my prayers! Hugs from PA and tons of prayers also!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thank you. I am so glad you are doing well. It was a long tough journey for you with too many tough decisions too.

by basketkase 06 Oct 2023

Praise the Lord!!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

I agree! I got through all of this thanks to Him.

by jrob Moderator 06 Oct 2023


1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. Hope all is well with you.

by gerryvb 06 Oct 2023

wonderful news !!! yeah !

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks for celebrating with us.

by sebsews 06 Oct 2023

Wonderful news! It's been a long road for you and now the recovery time is here. Still praying for you.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. It has been an almost 3 year journey.

by sharonleekesner 06 Oct 2023

This is the best news. Thank you for posting. It is so uplifting and is needed by so many of us.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thank you. So many of our Cite family are struggling.

by dailylaundry 06 Oct 2023

Lovely post!! Thank Heavens for a doctor with a good sense of humor ... and a dear hubby who takes good care of you. You continue to be in my prayers, Karen! Keep up the good work! Loads of hugs to you and yours! Laura

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thanks. I’ve begun the hard work of healing. I have over 20 goals to help me stay on the road of recovery.

by rescuer Moderator 06 Oct 2023

I am so glad you are on the way to better health!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Me too. It has been very tough on both of us.

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Oct 2023

Congratulations Karen

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 07 Oct 2023

Thank you.