by asterixsew Moderator 31 Aug 2023

Tomorrow is the birthday of this site - Cute Embroidery. (Sarah will post this later in the day for us to comment on) Many people visit here and either buy or collect the free designs that are offered. So it would be a way of thanking the site owner and showing our appreciation by making something over September using a design from Cute and posting a picture of the results in the project section. Thanks


by dailylaundry 31 Aug 2023

This is a terrific challenge! Can't wait to see what is posted!! Hugs!

by sebsews 31 Aug 2023

Good idea. I have so many designs from Cute. I will participate! Looking forward to seeing some CUTE designs created by Cuties.

by 02kar Moderator 31 Aug 2023

I totally agree with you. The designs are so well digitized. You can’t go wrong using Cure designs. I love the alphabet designs on towels.