getEdited - SELECT
by cfidl ( edited 07 Jul 2023 ) 28 Jun 2023

Update! I spoke with the manager a couple times and she has arranged for me to get a new "head" which is the machine part without the embroidery arm. I will have it tomorrow! Thank you Kim, if not for you...

Well I purchased a new machine. It is an embroidery only from Babylock. I stitched a few things, of course at high speed since I could, and then turned it down for some FSL. It seemed fine... but the next time I started it, it sounded horrible. Grinding and clanking, I finished what I was doing then got it ready to go back to the shop. At this shop the women evaluate every machine before it goes to service and will send it home if they can fix it. She started it and right away it made crunching and grinding noises. after a while she was conversing with a colleague who said "we have a floor model right over there: expected it to sound like mine and send mine home. Well it sounded beautiful and I said so. The reason I got this machine was because the low grade machine I mistakenly purchased grinded my nerves. Lol!

Also, as I pulled the plastic wrap out of the box to repack the machine, a screw fell into the bottom of the box. Of course I forgot the screw at home. The women at this store have always been delightful and let me know they put a 2 week rush on the service request as the machine is brand new, instead of the 6 week estimate for fixing. This guy is really good especially compared to the last guy. Any way that is my story. Christie is coming again in December. This is like her 10th visit and she stays 4 weeks. I was kidding her the other day about the first time she came, she was so homesick. She has adjusted since them. Hugs and prayers for you all. Christine


by toogie 29 Jun 2023

I think the place shoulda gave you another brand new machine. You should not have to deal with servicing, waiting, etc that’s the whole reason to buy brand new. I’m sorry this happened to you.

I know you and Christie get on well and that’s great. Glad y’all have a nice time stitching those cold winter weeks.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 29 Jun 2023

I should have thought of that.

by dragonflyer 29 Jun 2023

Aw, what a bummer....What model did you get? I would ask that the dealer let you have the floor model to use until your machine is fixed and then you can swap them back. Better yet, they should give you a new machine and deal with the repair with Baby Lock themselves. How long did you have it before you experienced this?

cfidl by cfidl 29 Jun 2023

You are a thinker. Wow I wish I thought of all that stuff. It is too late for a borrow machine and I did not think of exchange.
The model is called the Flare, 6x10 hoop

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Jun 2023

It is never too late to have them make it right. I would contact them immediately and if your machine is not ready, I would insist on a new one...on the spot. They can deal with Baby Lock.

by 02kar Moderator 29 Jun 2023

I'm so glad you managed to get a Babylock machine. I love that brand. I hope it gets returned to you in perfect shape and you will soon be stitching away. Hope to soon see your finished projects posted to admire.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 29 Jun 2023

ooh me too! Of course I forgot to take pics of the butterflies I stitched and they are already gone. To friends that really appreciate them.

by asterixsew Moderator 28 Jun 2023

How disappointing that your new machine has problems. Hope it’s sorted quickly and back with you to enjoy. Have fun when Christie comes though it’s a while away.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 29 Jun 2023

Thanks the time will pass quickly.