by pennifold 08 Apr 2023

Hi gals, well, what a beautiful day it turned out to be here in Newcastle today. Trev and I took Ben (our son) and his partner Mia to lunch up in the Hunter Valley at our favourite restaurant Baume at the old Lindeman Winery for his 44th birthday. It's actually on Tuesday but he will be at work.

We went to a few cheese shops before lunch and then popped into our favourite Winery - Peterson's House and bought some bottles of a lovely red!!!!

We had lunch booked in at 2.30 and ended up staying till nearly 5.00pm. By the time we got home we weren't hungry so decided not to have any dinner.

I'm now watching The Mandalorian on Disney and am up to S3:E3:Chapter 19. It's all pre Star Wars series.

Anyway, happy Easter to you all. I'm off to church in the morning and then am taking Mum to Ben and Mia's for a BBQ lunch, which I know Mum will enjoy. Love Chris

P.S. Ben shaved his beard off yesterday! When we picked them up today, that's the first thing I noticed,

1. Ben with full beard
2. Ben without beard
3. Ben and Mia
4. Trevor
5.. Me (not normally my colours, but I loved the style of this jacket - I even got a pair of pants to match the jacket in a mulberry/brownish colouir)
6. View looking across the valley from Peterson's Winery.


by toogie 09 Apr 2023

I know I already commented, but you know how talkative I can bešŸ˜‰
I just read below how long your jacket goes so, when you wear it again, get Trevor to take a full length picture, for us to see. I find since my hair is silver/white and I am fair skinned, I need color. I tend to shy away from color, since I have gained weight. The girls ordered a navy long dress for me for our group family picture.I feel like I look like Iā€™m wearing a dark box, because I am straight from the shoulder down, no waist anymore-šŸ˜© the dress is loose and comfortable though.šŸ˜Œ

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Apr 2023

I hear you Toogie, I'll get Trev to take a full length picture and show you. I even wore another style of long jacket yesterday for Easter at Church and everyone commented on it. I love those long duster jackets. Love Chris

by mariagiannina 09 Apr 2023

Hi Chris, Hope you all had an enjoyable day, and a good Easter ,I like Ben without his beard, tell him I said he looks a lot "fresher" and younger !!
I love the colours of your jacket, they do suit your colouring.
I am just relaxing now, the family have gone home, we've had a lovely day.
Mary C

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Apr 2023

Hi Mary, yes, I agree with you. We both (Trev and I) said he looks younger and more suitable to his work position. Mind you he's a lead singer in a heavy metal rock band, so that image is good with a beard! Love Chris

by shirley124 08 Apr 2023

Thanks for sharing pictures of your day. Like Ben without his beard. Hugs

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Apr 2023

Thanks Shirley, me too! I think he looks younger without all that hair on his face. Love Chris

by babolucia 08 Apr 2023

You look great in this jacket!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Apr 2023

Thank you so much. Love Chris

by dailylaundry 08 Apr 2023

Great pictures, Chris!! Your son looks so much like his dad!!! I also am "The Mandalorian" fan!! Isn't it a blessing to "hang out" with your adult kids! I know we love to. Hope you and yours have a lovely Easter! Hugs, Laura PS: I too love your jacket!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Apr 2023

Thanks Laura, I've just finished watching it and can't wait for more. Yes, we are lucky to have the time to spend with our kids, and it was a gorgeous day. Today was lovely too at their place for a BBQ. Love Chris

by sebsews 08 Apr 2023

Great pictures! I like the trimmed version but handsome he is in both pictures. Mia is beautiful and looks like Ben is loving it! Trev and you look wonderful! Love the jacket it is very becoming on you. Did you make it? I will google the Baume, sounds like a wonderful place. Enjoy your Easter and the BBQ. Hugs and Love, Suzanna

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Apr 2023

Hi Suzanna, Baume's restaurant is wonderful and the food is divine! I think Ben is a good looking guy, but of course, I am biased! I didn't make the jacket, I bought it from a local lady who lives not far from Mum's nursing home. She sells clothes from her home. She is lovely. I've known her for years. She always knows what I like and will find something for me every time I visit. I even got some shoes from her last week. Love Chris

by toogie 08 Apr 2023

Iā€™m okay with a beard if itā€™s trimmed up, but I think Ben looks much better in the second photo. Iā€™m glad he seems happy with Mia. .. Happy Double 4 Birthday Ben!
Your jacket is gorgeous and your lipstick matches the color. Itā€™s beautiful scenery at the winery. Nothing compares to the creations of our maker, look at those beautiful blue skies and the green hills and valleys.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 08 Apr 2023

You are very observant Toogie. This lipstick is my favourite from Rimmel ā€œCoffee shimmerā€ number 264. Whenever my chemist has them in, I buy all the ones in their display. I often get 4 at a time!!!

The whole Hunter Valley is so green at the moment due to our very rainy summer. We are now into Autumn and the changing colours of our trees and vines are something to behold. Nothing like Canadaā€™s stunning trees, but I havenā€™t been to America to compare. Yes, the creatorā€™s hand can be seen in everything, everywhere!! Happy Easter, love Chris

by orao 08 Apr 2023

You all look great Happy Easter and Happy Birthday to you son and many many more Maria

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 08 Apr 2023

Thanks Maria and to you too. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 08 Apr 2023

Loved each and every picture. Ben looks good with or without the beard. And you look great with the new jacket. I think the colors look good on you.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 08 Apr 2023

Thanks dear Karen, Iā€™m just not used to those colours anymore. When I was a brunette I did wear them though. Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Apr 2023

Lovely pics Chris. You look very photogenic in your outfit. Happy Easter to you

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 08 Apr 2023

Thanks Caroline, I feel funny in those colours as I always wear mostly black and white intertwined with winter jewel colours. But women stopped me and commented on how they would love the jacket. Itā€™s quite long goes way down my calves!!! Happy Easter to you too. Love Chris