by noah 17 Mar 2023

I am Dog Sitting the 2 boys next door and there Momma. .They are so Cute .Cocoa is the Mother She is at the back of the first picture.and her son larlow is in front of her .He has a pink nose lol.His Brother wee Duke is half the size of the others .I would like to keep him lol He is the 3d picture and weighs mabe 7 pounds@ tops.

Second picture Momma Cocoa.
I shoveld off the table so they could have a dry spot to sit in the sun watching the snow melt.We got 7 inches the last few days:(:(I need spring.


by asterixsew Moderator 18 Mar 2023

Lucky you having such sweet neighbours. And they are lucky to have you looking after them.

1 comment
noah by noah 19 Mar 2023

we all get along great around here:):)

by orao 18 Mar 2023

They are so cute

1 comment
noah by noah 19 Mar 2023


by 02kar Moderator 18 Mar 2023

Ohhh, what a cute trio to dog sit. I can see why you are hoping spring comes soon. I admit, I don't miss snow or your cold temperatures.

1 comment
noah by noah 19 Mar 2023

i wish it would go away but++++

by bemara 18 Mar 2023

The trio is really sweet, so I also like to do neighborhood help. Our temperatures change within a week from 0 degrees to 18 and back, spring is approaching and the birds are chirping again. Hugs Maria

1 comment
noah by noah 19 Mar 2023

for sure

by graceandham 17 Mar 2023

Oh my! Such sweet expressive faces.

1 comment
noah by noah 19 Mar 2023
