by dlonnahawkins 28 Oct 2022

How many of you have heard of That Purple Thang? Well, in August as I was working on the quilt for my granddaughter and went to flip a piece of fabric that had flipped over. The machine needle went right through my index finger, came out on the pad and bent. Needless to say, my husband freaked out. He was able to get the needle out, but it broke. After a very expensive trip to the ER, x-rays, and tetanus shot he told me that either I get something to keep my fingers away from the stitching area, or he would. Long story, but next day I had a package of That Purple Thang delivered to help with moving and holding down the fabric. It has proven to be a finger saver.


by sebsews 30 Oct 2022

Yes, long ago I did that. I have the Purple Thang but have not used it very much. After reading the comments, I now have it next to my machine. I also like to use the Alex Anderson 4 in 1 tool. Never thought of using chop sticks. Glad your finger is healing!

by jand803 29 Oct 2022

I use kabob skewers for that. You can buy a package of 100 for under $5. That gives you lots to share with your friends.

by markus 29 Oct 2022

Been there done that, Hoop your finger is ok

by sdrise 29 Oct 2022

I think who ever sews has probably done this once in their sewing career. I know I have done this. I now get a dowel cut it into various sizes and sharpen the ends with a pencil sharpener. Works great and saves the fingers and is cheaper. If the needle hits the wood the wood will give and I have saved my finger. Glad you are OK.

by dlonnahawkins 29 Oct 2022

Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Finger is fine, and at least no needle was left in the finger, or into the bone, which is what the ER thought. But the hole in my nail has grown out, and no residual side effects from it. The ER could not believe that it did not hit the bone, for it was almost in the middle of my nail. But don't want to do that again. LOL

1 comment
toogie by toogie 29 Oct 2022

I wondered, when you said the needle broke, about that so I'm glad you explained and all is well again.

by shirley124 28 Oct 2022

Been there done that, Hope you finger is better soon. I ordered a Purple Thang a couple of days ago. Hugs

by pennifold 28 Oct 2022

Hi Beth, I feel for you and hope you are healing well. What a story re the ER!!!

I've had Purple thangs for years, great for turning corners, etc. on zipper purses or anything really that needs nice and neat points.

I hope you don't ever need to go to the hospital again for needles through fingers. Love Chris

by cfidl 28 Oct 2022

Lesson learned and solution applied. Good work, glad you are good again. Hugs! Christine

by dragonflyer 28 Oct 2022

Sorry about your finger experience... I bought one many years ago...tried it a few times... it was expensive at the time about $8 I believe...I prefer a chop stick...Looks like the price has come down quite a bit since they were first introduced...

by asterixsew Moderator 28 Oct 2022

Hi while I have heard of the purple thang I dont own one. Gosh what a expensive story and not too nice. Hope your recovered now

by dailylaundry 28 Oct 2022

Oh, that happened to me too a couple years ago - except the needle just missed my fingernail - and it was easy to take out. Now, that was a painful experience to say the least and it would have been worse if it had gone through the nail - so I sympathize with you a bunch!! I do have That Purple Thang - but, have to admit - I don't always use it and 'm not being as careful as I should. So very sorry you went through all that - no fun!! Hugs, Laura

by crafter2243 Moderator 28 Oct 2022

Yikes. Reading this made me queasy. I know how difficult it is to get a needle out of fabric when broken or stuck. I can not imagine having your finger be part of it. I hope all is well in the meantime.
As far as the purple thang.......I used to poke the corners with it, but after I broke 3 I gave up on them. As long as they keep your fingers out of the way from the needle, they do a good job

by toogie 28 Oct 2022

I have heard of them but don't have a purple thang myself. It would take some getting used to.
I hate you did this, but I have seen it happen, before when I worked at the factory. Stacey's finger stayed in the machine, with the needle through and through, bleeding all over. A mechanic had to come and get the needle out, so they could take her to ER.
Any ER trip nowadays is expensive. I told my husband next time I fall (and we all know I will), if I have pain meds at home and unless the bone is sticking out, don't take me to ER. I will wait a week until swelling goes down so the xray will show clear. Charged over $8,000, for xrays and scan of my head gave me a dose of morphine (that I will never let them give me again because I traded one pain for another)and told to go see my regular dr next day. Regular doc said come back in a week because swelling too bad. That's when xray showed bone split/broke at top shoulder. Hope your finger has healed well and no nerve damage. Hugs, Toogie

by 02kar Moderator 28 Oct 2022

Please give your handsome hubby a huge thank you from the Cuties for being such a good hubby. I hadn't heard of this, but I think a bunch of us could certainly use this. And I'm sure our local ERs would be grateful to not see another one of us appearing at their doors. I'm thinking this would be a nice Christmas gift idea too. I'm glad you are still stitching with the Purple Thang.