getEdited - SELECT
by sebsews ( edited 29 Dec 2021 ) 29 Dec 2021

Update: Well I'll be darned! Had to go into Premier Configure, Export, then uncheck the color sort box. I called software support they told me what to do. Happy embroidering!

I have Premier +2 ultra. When exporting I always un check the sort color box. Now when I print the design it is color sorted. Why is that happening? Image 1 is original color chart 11 colors, image 2 is to print 10 colors. #7 & #9 have been color sorted. Any information is appreciated. Hugs and flowers to all, Suzanna


by 02kar Moderator 30 Dec 2021

Thank goodness for tech support! Good to see you up and running again.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 30 Dec 2021

Thanks! Yes we do get a little tiffed when things don't work right.