by mi30kaja 22 Nov 2021

I look each morning to see all of the beautiful sewing's you all do but I just can't make myself do any sewing, Had my right knee done last April and that is now as perfect as it can be, but my left knee is letting me down and then my lower back has given in. Gee I hate getting Old.


by peafarm 25 Nov 2021

I see definite yes here on comments, mine included. Didn't think I was all that 'old'. I see others in my age group and wonder how the heck they get so much done. I had complete knee replacement in Aug when shots worked no more. Got to be careful now on the right one. Exercising but still gets hurting and yes, then the back---DXA scan says worse and opted for more vitamins than shots. Many stairs to climb in this house to get in and out plus up. I look at my machines like an enemy sometimes now and never thought I'd say I want to be finished sewing but sometimes I do. I do love the hunt of fabrics and collection of designs and that is what my son will find when he's the one that hast o go thru it all in the end----I pity him for my stuff and his Dad--who hoards stuff that is worthless. I am there with you, sister.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 25 Nov 2021

It is almost as though I wrote the above. My DH passed 15 years ago and he saved useless stuff as well so I am feeling bad for my one and only child a male who knows nothing about my craft and the sorting when my day comes.

graceandham by graceandham 30 Nov 2021

Talk to one or two of your sewing buddies and nominate them, with their permission, to your son for going through your sewing miscellany and distributing it properly to those who will appreciate it, whether through a sale or gifts. Be sure son has their current contact information, phones and addresses. I have only sons, unmarried sons, so I know your pain.

by pennifold 23 Nov 2021

Hi Lynn, I sympathise with you about your back. I'm sure there are many ladies on here with the same issue.

I hope you can at least do some gentle stretching exercises, I know there are a lot our there to alleviate discomfort, but everyone is different.

I'm just finishing off my massive embroidered quilt, have two squares to go today and then assemble the last two rows. I can't wait to get it finished before the hot weather arrives. It's already 100% humidity here this morning in Newcastle.

I see Mary up in Queensland also says it's so hot! Don't you just love Australian Spring/Summers?

I am thinking of you and hope you can get back to what you love doing, love Chris

by mi30kaja 23 Nov 2021

Thank You all for your comments. I realise that I am not alone with my problems. Oh to be young again.

by kustomkuddle 23 Nov 2021

I feel for you. I had a partial knee replaced about 18 months ago and now I have all kinds of back problems. I was lucky though. I had my first knee done about 11 years ago and didn't need to have the other done until recently. I was younger too and I think that helped. hugs.

by mariagiannina 23 Nov 2021

I can't get myself into the sewing mode, it's so hot up here. We do have air con, but I'm just not in the mood.
It's not much fun getting old, I have back issues as well.
Take care of yourself Lyn.
Mary C

by sewmadau 22 Nov 2021

Oh you poor old thing, know exactly how and what you are feeling. I keep looking at my embroidery machines and tell them may be tomorrow. When I do get back to embroidery my machines are going to give me grief. "G"

I had a hip replacement 3 years ago, not in any pain, buttttttttt I cannot stand to iron, cut up the veggies, doing housework is very difficult, as for cleaning the bathroom, cannot bend to do the floor. Husband is a great help he uses the steamer and I try to use the vacuum cleaner between us we manage just. Husband still has to help me in the shower and he has to dry my feet, and he also has to help me put on my socks. We both laugh and say in all the years we have been married never have we seen so much so often, nothing is secret but we still love each other and have many a chuckle. Yes I also have a back that I would not want anyone else to have. Live on pain mediation morning and night, helps but still in pain with my back.

You have my sympathy I know that does not really help but knowing there are others out there just like you should help. My motto is tomorrow I will have a chat to my embroidery machines and see how I go. LOL

You look after yourself and know many of us are thinking of you. Sending you lots of hugs. Gentle ones. "G"

by graceandham 22 Nov 2021

I bought a thing called the Gypsy Sit Upon which has been a godsend for my lower back, pricey, but soooo worth it. It shifts with you as you move around in the seat.

by loriziegler 22 Nov 2021

Getting older does stink terribly! Whoever said golden ages must have been crazy! I admire everyone's work too and am amazed at all of the talent people here have! I am embarrassed to say I have older machines but I bought them used and I thought I can do this! 10 years later a stores worth of fabric and stabilizers and scissors and designs and I have nothing but problems! My machine a Hus Viking gives me so much grief! Tattered bobbins and stabilizers that do not tear away right or my work is crooked it is all so upsetting! I have so many ideas for designs but they never get sewn! So with my downtime I look at all of the beautiful things made on here and think you ALL are amazing but I am not! I guess I will be in the novice category FOREVER!

by mranderson 22 Nov 2021

Hi Lynn. This must be contagious. I am suffering all of your symptoms. Must be called OLD AGE. My embroidery machine needs a service and I don't seem to be in any sort of a hurry to get that done. I am still buying designs so there is some spark of hope left in me!!!!!!!. Good to see you here. Hugs Marg

by toogie 22 Nov 2021

I do too. My back doesn't seem to be going to get ok. It might get better and I just lean over a little, then I can't hardly stand at the bathroom sink to even brush my teeth. I hope your second knee does as well as your first. Maybe your back will get better then. Hope so.-Toogie

by noah 22 Nov 2021

Well hello my friend .Yes getting old sucks lol

by shirley124 22 Nov 2021

I know the feeling. I cannot get myself into sewing mode either. I do a lot in my head when I see what others are doing and the beautiful designs that are for sale. That is as far as I can get to making anything.