by sdrise 11 Jul 2021

I wanted to thank you all for the wonderful Birthday wishes. We have not had much time lately. We have 40 cats in our rescue 30 of them are kittens. I have one cat who is severely injured we are caring for also. Then we are trying to finish painting the house and fixing the porches on a three decker house Lots of work. Your good wishes brightened my day!! Thank you again!! Suzanne


by toogie 12 Jul 2021

And you are the Cutie that just had knee replacement a couple months back! You must be doing well so that brightens all our days!

1 comment
sdrise by sdrise 13 Jul 2021

yes a hip and a knee replacement

by dragonflyer 12 Jul 2021

Bless your heart for helping so many glad your day was brightened by all of our good wishes!

by basketkase 11 Jul 2021

Oh had a population explosion since last we wish I could be there to help you out....hoping you don't have a lot of bottle and hugs!

by dailylaundry 11 Jul 2021

Happy you had a good Birthday! Thank you for all your work rescuing cats. It is so appreciated!

by airyfairy 11 Jul 2021

Thank you for your wonderful work with the cats. People like you are absolutely incredible. So pleased we brightened your day.

by asterixsew Moderator 11 Jul 2021

Can’t remember if I wished you a Happy Birthday or not. If I didn’t belated greetings. Gosh you do sound busy with all the cats and house decorating

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Jul 2021

All I can say is WOW.

by 02kar Moderator 11 Jul 2021

And you know, you always brighten my day.