by toogie 07 Jun 2021

Hello Cuties! I made this for a niece, who is struggling with the recent loss, of her dad. I thought it may be good therapy, for her to write her memories of him, in this journal. I made it with a shirt of his, but I do not like the fabric. It is NOT 100% cotton and puckered and wanted to pinch, as I was free motion/meander quilting. Even though I measured carefully to get my pieces out of his shirt, the puckering makes the plaid look twisted, ugh....I will give it to her Father's Day when I give her mom's quilt. I also made some little zip bags for the grand daughters out of his shirts and they were quilted and made ITH with the embroidery machine. Hope you like this idea. Have a good day!-Toogie


by pennifold 09 Jun 2021

Oh! you old softie you! What a kind-hearted and thoughtful gal you are and no doibt these gifts will be treasured always. They are a great idea and I wouldn't worry about the puckering effect I think it adds a rustic charm to them. Fabulous work Toogie, love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jun 2021

Thanks Chris, the puckering makes the plaid lines look wavy to me😩oh well it’s done ✔️

by sebsews 09 Jun 2021

Your family is lucky to have such a caring person like you. I do like the way the shirt journal turned out too. All gifts are from your heart, and that is what is most important.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jun 2021

Yes, I know I am more critical of my own work than they would ever be. …Thank you

by peafarm 08 Jun 2021

Toogie, today I am having troubles computer wise I guess and I can not see your images except for when I read the first half. When I went on to finish reading what you wrote the images were gone. From afar, I can tell you did an excellent job but she will have all the moments and memories from you 'from the heart' gifts.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

I hope you get your computer repaired. Thank you for commenting, that part worked

by pennyhal2 08 Jun 2021

You are endlessly creative and to think of making these is an act of kindness that will not be forgotten. I like the wrinkly shirt as it actually looks like a shirt that has been worn and not a new piece of fabric. I'm teary just looking at these, so I sure understand why they touched the heart of his family.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you for commenting and understanding.

by sewpam 08 Jun 2021

The family members that received these will always have a special memory close by, how very thoughtful. That was a great Idea!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you for commenting. He will not be forgotten. We have his music and still hard to believe he’s gone.

by sonjapotgieter 08 Jun 2021

Very thoughtful Idea!!!Beautiful!!!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you

by sewtired 08 Jun 2021

So thoughtful Toogie! Your love really shines through these gifts.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

I hope so, thanks

by gwillmann 08 Jun 2021

These are so special. Good work.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you

by noah 08 Jun 2021

Very excellent Idea Toogie and i love your work .Great as always Hugs xx

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you Carolyn, I’m trying to get back in the swing of things.

by jrob Moderator 08 Jun 2021

What a thoughtful, precious soul you are. I feel sure that you will never know how deeply your gesture touches these girls. I think that all of these are perfect and perfectly done.
"What is done in love, is done well." Van Gogh

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

We have such wonderful caring Cuties here, including YOU!
How sweet you are

by dragonflyer 08 Jun 2021

Very special gifts for very special treasured memories...lovely job, Toogie...

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you I think they will know the thoughts behind the gifts.

by 02kar Moderator 08 Jun 2021

You are definitely the best aunt worldwide. What a thoughtful gift for your niece. I hope she is strong enough to share her treasured memories with the family. That's a great idea making the zip bags for the grands. I think you have outdone yourself with this project. And don't toughen up. Caring about and for others is a very special gift this world needs now.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Karen you are the kind one, you always know just what to say to lift one up-

by crafter2243 Moderator 08 Jun 2021

Typical of you to come up with something so very special. I bet your gifts will be received with tears. Well done

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

If they are received with tears I hope they are happy tears.Thanks my friend

by worthy 08 Jun 2021

What amazing treasures. Can't call them gifts as they are so very special treasures. Maybe treasured gift? .. How very thoughtful to create something from his shirt and to make a journal. Perhaps it will just what she need to remember the good time and keep the anxiety away. Give her something to look and read each time she feels low.
Now about the stitching. I enlarge the pictures and could see better what you are talking about, but actually think it adds design rather than looking twisted. Thank you for sharing. Will pray for her and you, as you give it to her.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 08 Jun 2021

Thank you for your kind thoughts.

by dailylaundry 07 Jun 2021

These are all lovely and you know how much they will appreciate these gifts. You are so intuitive to think about how each of them are trying to deal with grief. You have a kind heart! Hugs, Laura

1 comment
toogie by toogie 07 Jun 2021

Thanks Laura, sometimes I wish I could toughen up, because my heart hurts so much, for others.
Mandy help take care of her dad, but she was always very close to him. She also has struggled for years with anxiety. When she was little she would get up nights and go into their room and see if they were breathing. She has always been afraid of losing them. To me, that is very unnatural. What kid does this? Anyway, if it helps her to write in this journal, I'm all for it.