by mrskiki 22 Feb 2021

Hi Ladies. I have been awol for quite a while now-since November anyway due to my husband's illness. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 3 years ago. Then it was stage 2, a small tumor which was removed and followed by chemo therapy. However several months later, it was found to have returned or I guess some of those bad boy cells just did not go away. He then took radiation as well as chemo, the whole time still being told it was "curable". However, last January we were told it was no longer curable but he could continue chemo to prolong his life. This whole time you would not have known he was ill just looking at him. He was very strong and wanted to continue with his life as normally as possible for as long as possible. But in October we were told that the chemo was no longer having any effect. So from there he went downhill fairly quickly-faster than we anticipated. The end of November we signed on with hospice and he passed away on December 31. Our first date 53 years ago was on New Year's Eve. It has been difficult for me to talk about. I consider us blessed to have 3 years to not only prepare me as much as possible to take care of the house and everything else, but for me and our children and grandchildren to tell him everything we needed to say and have no regrets. Thank you to all you cuties who have kept us in your prayers. I feel grateful to be a part of this wonderful community. Hugs to all. Nan


by stork 24 Feb 2021

No words can truly express how sorry I am for your loss. My sympathy and prayers to you and your family. Tonya

by pennifold 23 Feb 2021

Hi Nan, I too am saddened to hear you lost the love of your life. You and your family have endured so much during the past 3 years and I want to send you my heartfelt sympathy. I'm so glad you got to spend those extra years to get everything organised. It makes such a difference and I pray that you can be at peace and have contentment knowing that he is in heaven and in no more pain. Love and hugs to you, Chris

by dailylaundry 23 Feb 2021

Oh, Nan, I just read this - you and your family have been through so much. My sympathies and prayers to you and yours! Bunches of hugs, Laura

by airyfairy 23 Feb 2021

I am sorry. My condolences to you and your families.

by noah 23 Feb 2021

So very sorry for your loss BUT one day you will meet again up in heaven hugs xx

by tilde01 23 Feb 2021

My condolences on our loss. I lost my hubby of 53 years 5 years ago due to pancreatic cancer, so I know how you feel. It does get a little easier with time. Soft hugs to you.

by basketkase 23 Feb 2021

Nan......I am so sorry for your sending you a huge cyber hug along with prayers to keep you strong as you grieve.....many blessings!

by sdrise 23 Feb 2021

My sympathies to you all...Prayers will continue.. We are all here if you need to talk to us or need support. Suzanne

by momac 23 Feb 2021

My condolences go out to you and your family. Hugs from Maureen

by sewtired 22 Feb 2021

I'm at a loss for words. I'm glad you had time to prepare, but all the preparation can not take away the pain of loss you and your family are experiencing now. May your lovely memories quickly help heal the pain and bring you some peace.

by sebsews 22 Feb 2021

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Husband. I know is not easy to talk about the loss of your Husband. Please remember we are here for you at anytime you want us to hear you. Cute has helped me through the loss of my Husband six years ago. I can not thank them enough. You were blessed to have him for 53 years, he will live on in your memories and your heart.

by dragonflyer 22 Feb 2021

Nan, so sad for the times you and your family have had to endure, but grateful that you had the time to be with him and understand what lay ahead... Condolences to you and all...we are all here for you...embrace the good memories you all shared together.

by graceandham 22 Feb 2021

So sorry for your loss. Glad you had time to talk and think and prepare, but of course, no one is ever ready to say goodbye to the love of their life. I wish you happy memories, renewed joy and a sense of purpose and being cared for during this time of passage to your new life.

by rescuer Moderator 22 Feb 2021

I'll be sure to pray now for your comfort and peace. It is never easy to say goodbye, even if given time.
I'm afraid this post might be lost amongst the Freebies, so we can try to get it ttt (to the top) often -- so all Cuties can read your heartbreaking news and send you love.

by asterixsew Moderator 22 Feb 2021

Oh Nan what a sad time you have had. But as you say time to prepare for the inevitable. Take care and remember there is usually someone here from somewhere 24 hours a day to chat to should you need to.

by toogie 22 Feb 2021

Nan, I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure it has to be hard, even when you are expecting it, to loose your other half. I should have checked again on you more recently. I was concerned recently more so, because of the storms, and knew you were in Texas. I see I have a pm so I'll see if it's you.

1 comment
rescuer by rescuer 22 Feb 2021

Thank you for keeping track of Cuties.
You have a beautiful soul toogie!