by cfidl 17 Dec 2020

Happy Holidays to you all! I thought I would stop in and tell you Christie arrived! she was a day late as the security in Germany messed up and she missed her flight. We did fine until yesterday when I had a I'm feeling sick moment and she tripped on a tile and landed on her knee. You probably don't remember but she had surgery on both knees a few years back which did wonders for her life. We will be working today for sure on the cutter and the embroidery machine. Yeah!

I hope everyone visiting today has much joy even if you have to work for it. Lol!


by 02kar Moderator 18 Dec 2020

A very merry Christmas to you and Christie. I hope her knees are Ok and the 2 of you have the bestest of the best visit. It's always a delight to hear of your stitching adventures so hope to see pictures.

by toogie 17 Dec 2020

Hope you both have fun during her stay with you. Embroidery up a storm! well, maybe not a real storm, you know what I mean. Have fun and show us all the pretties y'all get made!

by airyfairy 17 Dec 2020

Happy holidays to you too. Enjoy having Christie with you.

by asterixsew Moderator 17 Dec 2020

Happy holidays to the pair of you. Have fun, create some super stuff and share the results for us to admire. I know it’s s special time for you both to be together and I know you will enjoy every minute of your time together.