by mi30kaja 16 Sep 2020

Can you hear me crying. I am making these African Flower Animals - Why I don't know other than I am enjoying it. I have been making a cat with s few Squares, 36 Pentagons and 39 Hexagons. Had finished all except about 8 Hexagons when I ran out of the outside colour. Never mind I will just go back to the shop and buy another ball. They had none. Asked my girlfriends who are scattered around Adelaide to check out the shops in their area - Nothing. Online nothing in that colour. I now have to take off the outer edge of all and recrochet all of the edge in a new colour. I realised I had stupidly used that same colour on another project and this is why I ran out. I will get there. Never a dull moment.


by pennyhal2 18 Sep 2020

You are not the only one who has made this error. I was making a quilt once and ran out of one fabric. Could not find it anywhere. So I set it aside... for 11 years! And, there it was again! In hind sight, that was silly. On the other hand, I now make sure I buy extra fabric.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 19 Sep 2020

I had bought enough wool to finish the project but hadn't realised a small amount to do something else/ That project was finished so I wasn't going to pull it apart. Have finished the redoing now so all is good.

by toogie 17 Sep 2020

I know exactly how you feel. I ran out of Layer Cakes (2 packs of 10 in squares) making my last quilt I showed. Because I didn't make it straight away, the shops were sold out except online maybe one piece here and there. Because of the pattern, I couldn't just order one color. I needed a little of each color. To order here and there would be shipping added into each order. I finally telephoned one site and because she had only 1/2 yard of some of the fabrics I needed she didn't list it online. I was so happy I could order all I needed from one site and one shipping.... Have you telephoned because maybe that's the case with your yarn.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 17 Sep 2020

Yes I did and have even contacted someone on E bay who were selling that same brand but they hadn't had any gray wool for that season. I just gave up and have almost redone all in another colour gray

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 17 Sep 2020

I have girlfriends who are mad on quilting.

by 02kar Moderator 17 Sep 2020

Oh! What a pain to have to undo and redo when you were so close to finishing. I'm glad you are not giving up. I love seeing your pictures of the finished animals.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 17 Sep 2020

I have undone all and have re crocheted all but about 12 Heptagons (6sides) but I will do them this evening.

by graceandham 16 Sep 2020

Can you set the project aside and check again in 6 or 8 weeks for possible restocking? Or contact the manufacturer?

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 16 Sep 2020

I came to the conclusion that I was not going to get any possibly when the new stock comes in next year so Have already started recrochetering the edge