by parkermom 16 Mar 2020

Remember where your feet are. Put your heart and your mind wherever your feet are. My eldest daughter reminded me of that. Two years ago she was living through a helllish situation and was torn in all directions and I had told her that to help her focus. Well, today there are troubles piling up all around me, and I am feeling that anxiety rise and I am torn too. She said, "Mama, put your heart and mind where your feet are." Be there in the moment and focus on your responsibilities where you are. You can't control all things at once. Follow your feet. Proud of my girl


getEdited - SELECT
by toogie edited 18 Mar 2020

I think all of us are currently going through trials, not only with Covid-19. I personally have a son-in-law stuck out of the country, he can't get home. I have a brother-in-law just diagnosed with terminal cancer that we love dearly. Remember what God says about refining us, putting us through a fire (test/hardship/etc) so we can come out purified/stronger. I know I am not quoting scripture, word for word, but you get the meaning. We must not lose faith. Replace fear with Faith. Instead of panic-pray to God. In uncertainty-trust God. In times of weakness, study The Word, for strength. People have been going through trials since Adam and Eve, but when you read they repented, turned from their sinful ways, and returned to God he saw them through. Your daughter remembered the training you gave her. Now stand firm and be uplifted. Love,Toogie

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 18 Mar 2020

I am drawing strength from my faith and my family and my friends, including Cuties. Thank you! I will be praying for you and your family as well.

by jrob Moderator 18 Mar 2020

A smart daughter reminding mama whose wisdom was shelter in a storm. I had never heard this in that way, but I'm going to hold it close.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 18 Mar 2020

She tells this to her students too, when they are worried about things outside the classroom.

by parkermom 17 Mar 2020

This is my granddaughter Riley. Even with what my daugter has endured, she is raising a child full of joy, curiosity, love, trust, and faith. And messy hair!

jrob by jrob 18 Mar 2020

What a beautiful child full of a wonderful spirit!

toogie by toogie 18 Mar 2020

Oh goodness, she is a doll! I love those curls!!!

gramsbear by gramsbear 18 Mar 2020

Usually a messy shirt means that child is having fun!...Beautiful girl!...

by cfidl 17 Mar 2020

Thank you for sharing this. I will ponder this message as I go through this perilous time.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 17 Mar 2020

We all have things that we want to control and we can't. Not just this virus, but life worries and heartbreak and joy. It's hard for me to be in the moment when other worries are pulling, so I needed to hear that yesterday. I know that God is in control, and joy cometh in the morning.

by marianb 17 Mar 2020

Sound like very good advise. :-)

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 17 Mar 2020

It helped her then, and it is helping me now.

by lbrow 17 Mar 2020

Sounds like her feet are on solid ground, now mama, heed your own advice. Daughter sounds like a perfect jewel.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 17 Mar 2020

She is amazing. A great mom to her daughter, and a great teacher and friend. And a great daughter too.

by crafter2243 Moderator 17 Mar 2020

One day at the time. Hugs

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 17 Mar 2020

I'm one who wants to have a plan in place, and I can't plan for everything. It's hard to give that up!