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by parkermom ( edited 27 Jan 2020 ) 27 Jan 2020

I was looking out my front window and saw this! I tried to zoom as best as I could and took these not too good photos between the slats of my window blind. There are reportedly many eagles around our town, but this is the first time I've seen one so close to me.


by pennyhal2 28 Jan 2020

What a manificient bird to have in your yard! I'm a little jealous that I don't live where there are eagle too.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 28 Jan 2020

My parents have a beautiful hawk that frequents their yard. It is so beautiful soaring.. I'm not really much of a bird watcher, but they are really miracles aren't they.

by toogie 27 Jan 2020

It must have been a beautiful sight! It looks like it must have been late afternoon. Maybe he will come again.

parkermom by parkermom 27 Jan 2020

It was late afternoon. I didn't see him flying past his take-off. I would have loved to have seen him soar.

toogie by toogie 28 Jan 2020

When I was on one of my trips we saw an eagle way high up on a tree top. I believe I tried to get a picture because I had never seen one before. If I could remember what trip, but I think it was Virginia Beach...I will look back...

by hightechgrammy 27 Jan 2020

Wow! He looks like he is thumbing a ride! How nice it is to see one right at home. Where do you live?

parkermom by parkermom 27 Jan 2020

I live in Clarksville, Arkansas. A rural area, with lakes and mountains and beauty.

toogie by toogie 28 Jan 2020

My sister used to live in Springdale and Rogers, is that anywhere near you? She now lives in Missouri, but still owns in Springdale. Sold her house in Rogers. Arkansas is a beautiful state and I always loved going.

parkermom by parkermom 30 Jan 2020

It's about an hour and a half from Springdale. In fact, my youngest daughter lives in Springdale. Small world, isn't it. Arkansas is a really beautiful state

by noah 27 Jan 2020

Nice looking view u got lol great bird:):)

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 27 Jan 2020

It's a prettier view in the spring, of course. It's kind of dreary on cloudy days looking at all those bare limbs. Just a couple of months and we will have leaves and flowers. My favorite time.

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by robertahilde edited 27 Jan 2020

It must be a Bald Eagle, what a lucky shot!
Thank you for sharing I love those majestic birds.
Hugs Roberta

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 27 Jan 2020

It did look majestic. I loved seeing the white on its legs as it was flying.

by maleah 27 Jan 2020

Wow. wonderful pictures

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 27 Jan 2020

They're not the best quality, but I was taking them with my phone.

by asterixsew Moderator 27 Jan 2020

What a amazing bird to see so close to your house. Thanks for the picture.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 27 Jan 2020

It was a happy accident that I saw it.