by jrob Moderator 21 Dec 2019

Wishing you all of these things. Praying for those of you who are not healthy or who have loved ones who are sick, and for my dear precious friend who is struggling right now. Know how much I love you and that I have stopped and whispered each of your names.


by jrob Moderator 30 Dec 2019

Thanks everyone. MUCH love !

by mops Moderator 23 Dec 2019

Thank you for your words and wishes. I wish you and yours the same!

by jenne 23 Dec 2019

These are beautiful word, I hope the same for u and your family.Merry Christmas.

by sebsews 23 Dec 2019

Thank you. Such beautiful words I will share with my friends and family. Wishing you the same and sending prayers for your dear friend.

by stork 22 Dec 2019

Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

by toogie 22 Dec 2019

Thank you, what a beautiful card and a beautiful Christmas wish from you. Know that I love and care about you and your family. Wishing you all these things,as well. Love,Toogie

by noah 22 Dec 2019

The same is wished for you hugsxx

by dragonflyer 22 Dec 2019

Perfectly stated, Jerrilyn...Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year...

by zoefzoef 22 Dec 2019

thank you for these nice words..I m sure lots of people will feel the strenght of them.
I want to add to this prayer/wish.. thank you all friends, who are dear friends in times of need, comfort, or just want to listen to someone who is in need.
love you all

by maleah 22 Dec 2019

Well done. Thank you and Merry Christmas

by mrskiki 22 Dec 2019

What a beautiful sentiment. Wishing you many joys and a wonderful new year. Hugs. Nan ps: the sentiment on the card shown would make a lovely embroidery design for on a towel.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 22 Dec 2019

Yes, it would.

by dailylaundry 22 Dec 2019

Prayers and comfort for your dear friend and for you - because you sound sad. The power of prayers can do wondrous things. Hugs and love, Laura

by crafter2243 Moderator 22 Dec 2019

You said this so well. Thank you. May your Christmas be a peaceful one.

by cfidl 22 Dec 2019

Prayers and wishes for a Happy Christmas and comfort throughout 2020. God Bless.

by rescuer Moderator 21 Dec 2019

Add my prayers for your friend. You have some wonderful friends!

by pennifold 21 Dec 2019

Blessings to you too Jerrilyn. I pray that your friend knows how much you love her. God bless you and your family and a very\ Merry Christmas and I look forward to 2020 with great anticipation. Love Chris