by fannyfurkin 15 Dec 2019

please pray for my brother, he has been in a car accident and sustained a serious spinal injury, he is unlikely to walk again and it is touch and go whether he will have use of his fingers. He is an accomplished guitarist so at least being able to do that would be wonderful.


by zoefzoef 17 Dec 2019

Prayers send over !

by lbrow 17 Dec 2019


by parkermom 16 Dec 2019

I will be praying for your brother, and hope that things will be found to aid in his recovery.

by noah 16 Dec 2019

Oh so sad God please be with Alices brother and let your will be done amen

by sewdeb 16 Dec 2019

Your brother and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs*, Deb

by gerryvb 16 Dec 2019

I'm so sorry for your brother, hope and prayers for him

by sdrise 16 Dec 2019

Prayers are coming his way and yours.

by basketkase 16 Dec 2019

Alice.......prayers are coming his very sorry to hear this, such devastating news......will keep you all in prayer.....

by mrskiki 16 Dec 2019

Keeping him in my prayers. Hugs. Nan

by cfidl 16 Dec 2019

Prayers sent. Hugs!

by dailylaundry 15 Dec 2019

Prayers for your brother - please let us know how he is doing. I hope he progresses beyond what everyone expects!! Hugs to you and yours!!

by graceandham 15 Dec 2019

I will be lifting him in prayer. Don't forget to include listening to music in his recovery - it is therapeutic!

1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 16 Dec 2019

Funny you should say that I came up with the idea of compiling the ultimate mixed tape. We have family and friends putting a list of 10 songs each together in Spotify and he will have to guess who compiled each list. I have 26 list already. He is really looking forward to trying to guess whose list is whose.

by barba 15 Dec 2019

I am so sorry for the serious injuries your brother has sustained. Will be praying for God to heal his injuries and allow him to play his guitar. Hugs and Blessings, Barba

by shirley124 15 Dec 2019

So sorry to hear about your brother's accident. Prayers are being sent. I hope he will be still able to play his guitar. That will pass a lot of time for him and be a good therapy. My husband has been playing the guitar for over 65 years and I know he would be lost if he could not play any more. Hugs

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by grammaheh1 edited 15 Dec 2019

Hi Alice, so very sorry to hear this. Hopefully, his doctor's prognosis will change for the better and that he recovers most of his mobility with time and therapy. Prayers and thoughts for your family.

by dragonflyer 15 Dec 2019

So sad to hear this Alice...thoughts and prayers coming your way...