by parkermom 10 Dec 2019

May I ask those of you who pray to pray for my mom? Her name is Virginia, and she is a four year colon cancer survivor. This year, her tumor marker number has been rising, and two PET scans have shown nothing. My siblings and I, as well as my mom, are bewildered and concerned. Today, we found out the results of her recent CT scan. She has two "lesions" on her liver. The oncologist seemed to think it is cancer. Our next steps are MRI and needle biopsy, and if they show cancer, he says there is a new therapy that places radioactive isotopes fused into glass beads directly into the cancers and it kills the cancer. What I have read online about this treatment is not as positive as he was. My mom is 87, the primary caregiver for my dad, who had polio as a child and then later had the Guillain-Barre virus which damaged many organs and rendered him unable to walk. He also now has developing dementia. Please keep my mom lifted up with us. I know that my time is short with her. I also know I'm supposed to be a grown-up (I'm 57!) but I'm not ready to lose my mom. Thank you so much.


by cfidl 15 Dec 2019

God Bless. I said a prayer for you and Mom.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 26 Dec 2019

thank you so much! I just now read this, I'm sorry not to have responded sooner. She has had her MRI, and now we are waiting for the next step.

by pennifold 14 Dec 2019

Hi Jennifer, your post made me cry too. My Mum will be 86 in January and I've just turned 67 in October. As others have said it doesn't matter what age our Mums are they will always be in our hearts.
I really empathise with you with regard to your Dad having Dementia. My Mum was Dad's primary carer, he had Alzheimer's Disease too and it's not easy. My heart and prayers go out to you. May God hold you all up in his loving arms. Love Chris

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 14 Dec 2019

thank you so much for your kind words. I was so upset when I wrote the post, and each response has made me cry. I think that I am facing up to my feelings which makes me feel a little stronger. I want to be there every step of the way with my mom, and I think I'm strong enough to do that.

by basketkase 13 Dec 2019

Oh my have to feel so overwhelmed right now....I will tell you none of us are ever ready to lose a parent and with all your mom's responsibilities makes it even more difficult......I pray that God keeps his protective arms around you and your family. Bless you all...

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 14 Dec 2019

thank you so much. I struggle with even identifying my own emotions sometimes. I've had many times of tears this past week. I'm thankful that I am able to be the one to drive my mother to all her appointments. We have had many talks and I will treasure those times.

by jrob Moderator 12 Dec 2019

Oh my darling, what a heavy burden you must carry. It's never easy to loose our parents. I still want my mama and she's been gone 34 years. Love her, visit her, spend every spare minute you have with her and stay positive. Time is a precious gift. I'm adding you all to my prayer list and I promise that I'll be praying for your family.

parkermom by parkermom 12 Dec 2019

thank you so much. Every message from each person in this thread has brought me to tears with the kind words. I don't know how it is going to end up being, but I do know that she has a strong faith and whatever happens, I will see her again someday.

jrob by jrob 14 Dec 2019

I am happy that you have that comfort to carry you. Sit in the joy as long as you can.

by stork 11 Dec 2019

Prayers for all!!!

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you so much

by sebsews 11 Dec 2019

I am praying for them and all the family.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you so much.

by vkggal 11 Dec 2019

Illness and losing those we love is never easy! Praying for God's blessings for you and your family! We know it is not the divine plan for any of us to be here forever, but, that does not make it any easier to lose our loved ones!

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

No it doesn’t. But at the end, we do know we will see her again.

by lbrow 11 Dec 2019

I have added her to my prayer list , you also. I have a 57 yr old daughter and understand how devastating it is to you..

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you so much. I’ve had a very teary day today

by clintonmiss22 11 Dec 2019

Your heartfelt request, Noah's prayer and the comments from other Cuties has me in tears. I will certainly pray for you, your parents, doctors and caregivers. Such a simple prayer from Carolyn, but God hears our hearts even when we don't have the words to say!

I lost my mom last year. She was 96 and I'm looking soon at 70. It wasn't easy then or now, but feel blessed that I had her love and guidance for so long.

Keep us posted on your mom's progress.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

I will keep updates going on here as soon as I learn anything new. Thank you for your kind words, all of you

by noah 11 Dec 2019

Dear God in Heaven,please hear the cry from my sister's heart be with her and the ones she loves Amen

graceandham by graceandham 11 Dec 2019

I agree with you Carolyn in prayer.

parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

My goodness what a powerful prayer that is for me. I try to keep lots of things private, but something urged me to post about her on Cute. Now I know why! Thank you thank you

by sewdeb 11 Dec 2019

I will keep you and your whole family in my prayers. Losing your mother at any age is tough - I lost mine when I was 27! And I still miss her every day. Prayers and hugs*, Deb

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you. It is a hard thing to deal with. I always knew it would happen, but I still hate the idea

by mrskiki 11 Dec 2019

Prayers are being said especially for them and you. Hugs. Nan

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you so much.

by zoefzoef 11 Dec 2019

Will put them in my prayers. Sending over all the most positive vibes I can send.
Nobody wants to give up their parents. Take care. Hugs send. Linda

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

No it is very hard. I have come to terms with my dad slowly leaving us as the dementia grows. But this is really hard.

by asterixsew Moderator 11 Dec 2019

Positive thoughts for all of you. Its 10 years on the 25th that my mother died and taking the step up to being the eldest in the family is still strange.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

My mom lost her mother on Christmas Day when mom was only 31. She is a little melancholy when no one is looking every Christmas Day.

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Dec 2019

Absolutely will I pray for you and your parents. A hug for you right now.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you. Tears are flowing all day today

by graceandham 10 Dec 2019

Praying for mom, dad, siblings, you and the diagnosis and treatment.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you. I am truly overwhelmed with the wisdom I’ve found on this page.

by dailylaundry 10 Dec 2019

Doesn't matter what age you are - your parents are your parents. When my parents passed - I had the distinct feeling that I was orphaned. Doesn't matter your age. Stay strong, easier said than done - but, stay positive, Your dear mother and father are in my prayers, as are you and your siblings. Please let us know how your Mom and Dad are doing! Lots of hugs and love and prayers, Laura

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 11 Dec 2019

Thank you so much. I will post updates when I know something new.

by rescuer Moderator 10 Dec 2019

I don't think anyone of any age is ready to say goodbye to mom. My mother is a cancer survivor and lived through Guillain-Barre. I will keep your family in my prayers.

1 comment
parkermom by parkermom 10 Dec 2019

thank you so much.