by gerryb 02 Sep 2019

Braves baseball! First major league game the girls have gone to. Here's what I did for them to wear plus them wearing it..all hot, sweaty and happy. Dad said by the end of the game they were both doing the "tomahawk chop"..not sure if son & wife are crazy or brave or both to take a 5 yr old and 22 mo old to a ball game!


by belleann01 08 Sep 2019

I am from Georgia, love the Braves, that is a great job beautiful work, beautiful girls, love the fabric on the bow, chop, chop

by lidiad 05 Sep 2019

Great job, Jerry. Gorgeous girls!
Hugs, Lidia

by robertahilde 05 Sep 2019

Love that smile....and the T-Shirts too! - Hugs Roberta

by pennifold 04 Sep 2019

Wonderful job on everything and the girls are gorgeous. Love Chris

by sebsews 04 Sep 2019

Extra cute! And the projects are adorable too!

by noah 03 Sep 2019

Awesome work as always hugs xx

by blueeyedblonde 03 Sep 2019

They look adorable and seem to love their shirts!

by lbrow 02 Sep 2019

Thanks for sharing Gerry. I am a Braves Fan myself but never been to a game. The girls are darling.

by brendalea 02 Sep 2019

The girls look so cute in there T-Shirts. Thank you for the idea. Just finish a baseball diamond wedding pillow. T-Shirt for a little one when it comes would be nice. Thank you again Happy Stitching :-)

by sonjapotgieter 02 Sep 2019

All so cute!!!!Beautiful!!!!

by dragonflyer 02 Sep 2019

Well, just too cute!! Great job..

by basketkase 02 Sep 2019

What a couple of cutie models you have!! Great job on stitching!

by dailylaundry 02 Sep 2019

Love this - great stitching and happy Grands! My little granddaughter has been taken to Detroit Tiger baseball games since she was a baby. She learned "Take My Out to the Ball Game" song early on!! Love baseball games! Hugs to you, Laura