by jrob Moderator 13 Jun 2018

My darling friends: Finally last Friday I was forced to do something about my gall bladder and have had a successful surgical removal. Thanks to all of you sweeties who asked about me. I'm actually doing very well.

My son continues to improve. He's working a few hours a day now.


by sebsews 16 Jun 2018

So happy to hear you and your son are getting better everyday. Hugs, Suzanna

1 comment
jrob by jrob 18 Jun 2018

Thanks girl! Hope you are well.

by stork 14 Jun 2018

Glad to hear you are mending well. You will be so much better for this. Bless you and your family. Great news for your son!

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018


by dee 14 Jun 2018

Take care. Glad your son is doing better

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

I will, thank you.

by gerryvb 14 Jun 2018

good to read you are both improving. Take care, take it easy, and hugs are coming your way )))

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

Catching those hugs sweet friend!

by sewdeb 14 Jun 2018

This is great news! I will be keeping you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

Thank you so much.

by maleah 14 Jun 2018

I am so glad you are doing better. Take it easy, let the healing process to its job.....

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

Good advice. Thanks.

by mariahail 14 Jun 2018

glad you are doing better, from now on take care of your liver, keep your eyes on it....Hugs and blessings***************

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

I will do that. Thank you!

by kustomkuddle 14 Jun 2018

So sorry to hear that you have not been doing well. And on top of everything going on with your son! So glad you are improving now as well. Sending hugs and prayers continue for you and your family.

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

Thank you, I"m getting better now.

by airyfairy 14 Jun 2018

So sorry that you have not been well. I had my gall bladder out years ago, felt so much better without it. Get well soon

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

Thank you, I can't wait to get this behind me.

by basketkase 14 Jun 2018

Oh my, Jerrilyn, I had no happy to hear all is will feel so much better with that wicked thing out of you!!! Also glad to hear son is continuing to improve...…..continued blessings on you all!

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jrob by jrob 15 Jun 2018

Thank you so much! I appreciate you.

by dragonflyer 14 Jun 2018

Glad to hear both you and your son are doing well...glad you were able to see your son through his ordeal before you had to undergo yours...also glad you finally took care of yourself...wishing both of you a full and speedy recovery...Hugs to you!

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jrob by jrob 14 Jun 2018

Thanks, Kim. Hugs to you!

by mariagiannina 14 Jun 2018

Good to hear both you and your son are recovering well. Those gall bladders can be so painful, had mine out too, many years ago.

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jrob by jrob 14 Jun 2018

Yes, they are painful. Thank you.

by rescuer Moderator 13 Jun 2018

I'm glad you were able to wait until your son was well on the road to recovery. Thanks for keeping Cuties updated...some of us are worriers. I'm very glad all went well with your surgery.

jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Yes, I just didn't have time for this foolishness, so took care of it when I could. I'm doing pretty well. I've worked all week and that was probably not too bright, but hey, I try.

rescuer by rescuer 13 Jun 2018

Wonder Woman! 😜

by crafter2243 Moderator 13 Jun 2018

This is such good news. Hugs

1 comment
jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Thank you, sweetie. Take such good care of yourself and heal quickly. love and hugs!

by shirley124 13 Jun 2018

Pleased to hear all is going well with you and your son. Hugs

1 comment
jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Thank you! Hugs back to you, too.

by toogie 13 Jun 2018

I apologize, I wasn't one of the ones asked about you and yours lately. 'Life' has been happening here. I just popped in now, while hubby is on the phone with a friend. We are headed over to his brother's house when he gets off the phone. We heard today that his brother's boss made him stay home a few days, as he breaks down at work crying, since he lost his son.
I am glad to hear you have gotten rid of that pesky gall bladder and tickled to death to hear your son still has a job and can also start to work a little. I do care, even though my actions lately don't seem like it. Take care of your self and don't you wish we could both go meet Ms.Lillian!!!

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Don't you worry sweetie. We all have many things we must juggle. I'm so sorry about your nephew. I'd think your brother-in-law is acting perfectly normal for what he's been through.
I do wish we could run down to the beach. I do a mean impression of a beached whale.

by cfidl 13 Jun 2018

Glad you are doing better, Painful stuff that gallbladder is. Good to hear your son is on the mend.

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Thank you. Yes, it's pretty aggravating.

by mops Moderator 13 Jun 2018

Happy to hear you are doing well and that your son's health is improving. Take good care of yourself! Big hugs!

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Thank you from he and I. I'll do my best, although I tend to be an overdoer. Hugs to you.

by lbrow 13 Jun 2018

This is good to hear my friend. Come on down to the beach and recuperate .with me.

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Oh, what I would give!

by graceandham 13 Jun 2018

Yaay! It's gone where the goblins go, tra LA, tra LA LA LA. (to be sung)

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

And sung it was! Thanks my friend. I so appreciate you.

by laurasomi 13 Jun 2018

Dear Jerrilyn, i'm so glad that you and your son are both doing well again.

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Thanks so much!

by dailylaundry 13 Jun 2018

Take good care of yourself, Jerrilyn - don't do too much too soon! Happy all went well! Continued prayers for your son too! Hugs and love to you and yours!! Laura

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jrob by jrob 13 Jun 2018

Too late. lol! Thanks for your prayers my dear.