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by jrob Moderator ( edited 04 May 2018 ) 07 Apr 2018


The battle isn’t over but the war is being won. He has been moved to a rehabilitation hospital and the insurance has approved one week. He said that the doctor who is over his care estimates two weeks, but it may be a struggle to get him to stay that long. He has been gone since April 2 and it’s now May 4. I’m praying that he will stay as long as he needs. I will trust his decision as he knows his body better than anyone. His body looks so frail and broken. He has lost between 30-40 lbs and he wasn’t overweight to start. He is a strong warrior though and I know the day will come that I can look back on this as not a closed chapter, because he will be a changed man, but as the end of a chapter in a long book.
Psalm 91: 9 If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
What a tender and loving description. How blessed I’ve been to see this happen to my son and to feel carried by angels and your prayers. How I love you all!


by test 16 May 2018

My prayers are with you and your son. Love and Hugs.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 17 May 2018

I thank you. He has come home but will still have another month or two of healing from the 3 surgeries. Love and hugs to you. Here is the link to my update from 5 days ago.

by test 13 May 2018

My prayers are with you and your son. Love and Hugs.

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jrob by jrob 13 May 2018

Thank you so much. He is slowly healing and beginning to feel better. Love and hugs to you dear friend.

by jrob Moderator 06 May 2018

Give me a little time and I promise to answer all of you dear sweet friends who have taken the time to pray and send your love and hugs for recovery. We are moving forward steadily. The last 2 days have been extremely difficult for him with having pain and then pushing himself as far as he could humanly go to try and get better.
He is also in a place where stroke victims and folks with brain injuries are in rehabilitation and his heart is breaking for them.

toogie by toogie 06 May 2018

He sounds as loving and caring as his parents. A child of God for sure, to have compassion for others, whilst going through dark valleys yourself.
You don't have to take time to answer us...we know what it means to you... just hearing how he is, is enough.
We love you and right now want you to take time for him and YOU.

toogie by toogie 06 May 2018

ps-Trudy asked about him in prayer time, as I had a list myself. I give her updates as I hear from you. She and her husband are great prayer warriors.

jrob by jrob 08 May 2018

Thank you for that Toogie. Give Trudy my love.

by mariahail 06 May 2018

GOD HEALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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jrob by jrob 08 May 2018

Amen, He does.

by katydid 06 May 2018

I am still praying for your family . Hospitals wear everyone out. I am so glad he is a warrior. His mental attitude is so important. Who helps with the grandchildren? Wish I lived closer. Kay

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

His mother-in-law stays with them at night. She works during the day and his wife stays with the children then while I'm with my son during the day. Wifey also stays at night and gets up early to get home to take the children to school so as to keep their schedules as normal as they can be at this point.

by rescuer Moderator 06 May 2018

Thank you for keeping us updated. Prayers continue for him, his doctors, and you. Take good care of you too!

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Yes Ma'am

by test 06 May 2018

I am praying for all you, love and hugging.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Love you and love your earnest prayers my friend.

by lbrow 05 May 2018

My dear dear friend. I know exactly how you feel because I too have been there. What joy fills my heart to see answered prayers, to see His Hand at work in our lives.. So happy with this outcome.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

As am I. It is incredible seeing a miracle sitting in a hospital bed everyday. My cup runneth over.

by stork 04 May 2018

Great news! Continued prayers for healing and strength.....God Bless you all!

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

He certainly has!

by cooperal 04 May 2018

It's always so precious to hear how God sustains us through even the most difficult of times. Will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers. When the Psalms were written it was when the writers had no where to turn except God. Today we have the same God and He hears our cries. Blessings, Avis

graceandham by graceandham 04 May 2018

And we still have nowhere else to turn! Thanks, Avis. Jerrilyn, so glad you found this consolation.

jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

He does hear our cries Avis.
Betsey, I would be a puddle on the floor of some operating waiting room if not for God and his precious word.

by kustomkuddle 04 May 2018

Wonderful news to hear. Will continue prayers.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Thank you, they are appreciated.

by sewdeb 04 May 2018

What wonderful news! Prayers for you and your family! Hugs, Deb

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Thank you for the prayers. Hugs to you dear friend.

by kathymourie 02 May 2018

What a beautiful family. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Thank you. I am wrapped in the prayers you and all of the cuties offer.

by test 02 May 2018

My prayers are with you and your son. Love and Hugs.

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jrob by jrob 04 May 2018

Thank you so much. The prayers of you and our Cute family, and my church family have been my sustenance for these days.

by gerryb 01 May 2018

PTL. Just got back in town & checking up on the cuties. Praying still.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Thank you Gerry. Keep those prayers coming for strength, determination, and stamina.

by toogie 30 Apr 2018

What a beautiful face too...or should I say handsome? Lovely family. hope today was good for him and you.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

You can say beautiful, I do. ;)

by pennifold 29 Apr 2018

What fantastic news Jerrilyn. I never doubted that your son would not be healed. The prayers of the faithful have been answered - Amen! Love Chris

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018


by parkermom 28 Apr 2018

So glad. God certainly answers prayer, doesn't He. What a mighty God we serve.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Yes, He is! I will spend the rest of my days proclaiming just that.

by lbrow 28 Apr 2018

Oh Happy Day. Praises to an Almighty God for answered prayers!My heart is so thankful and so happy for you all

by shirley124 28 Apr 2018

Great news. Hugs to all

by mops Moderator 28 Apr 2018

Wonderful news, a weight lifted of your shoulders, I guess! thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. Prayers continue and praise added. Hugs for you.

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jrob by jrob 06 May 2018

Thank you dear friend. I feel like I've been given a reprieve. Thank you for your prayers and hugs.

by stork 28 Apr 2018

Wonderful news!!! What a wonderful family he has. Prayers for strength for the next road of healing. He is stronger thru God's grace and love.
God Bless!

by graceandham 28 Apr 2018

Great news, Jerrilyn.. Thanks for the specific prayer request info. How are YOU?

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jrob by jrob 28 Apr 2018

Surprisingly well.

by rescuer Moderator 28 Apr 2018

I am so happy that he is doing better. I will continue to pray for his health, strength, and comfort. May you all be blessed as you care for him and for his family.

by crafter2243 Moderator 28 Apr 2018

I feel unspeakable joy and gratefulness that prayers were answered.

by kustomkuddle 28 Apr 2018

Such wonderful news. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. It is almost as though you have allowed all of us to be part of your family and we are all praying and rooting for you and your son. I have seen marvelous work done at rehab centers. My dad was brought into one, with a breathing tube and not able lift a finger. He walked out of there six weeks later minus all the tubes. Continuing to lift you and your family in prayer. Hugs.

by dragonflyer 28 Apr 2018

Wonderful news, Jerrilyn...what a beautiful will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers...

by basketkase 28 Apr 2018

What a beautiful family indeed!! Never doubted God would see this through to a positive result.....This shows how miracles are absolutely real and happen every day........I am so joyful for you and your precious family, Jerrilyn..........huge hug of joy!!

by sewdeb 28 Apr 2018

What wonderful news! Michael, his beautiful family and, you, dear lady will continue to be in my prayers. Hugs* Deb

by zoefzoef 28 Apr 2018

Great news ! We will keep on praying for the whole family

by test 28 Apr 2018

wonderful news, tears of joy ...
wonderful family...
wonderful image...

by test 28 Apr 2018

Thoughts & prayers are with you and your son.
Thank you to all Cute users for prayers and support. At this time, every mother's heart loves Michael as her own son.
Love, Veronika

jrob by jrob 28 Apr 2018

Thank you my sweet friend. I love you!

test by test 28 Apr 2018

Hold on and fight, my friend. Victory will be ours, I am believe ...
I love you too.

by pennifold 26 Apr 2018

I know you said "we have an army behind us", and although we are an army of ordinary people great things can be achieved. I'm so happy to read that he is doing better. Your son is one of the last people on my prayer list as I lay my head down at night. I know He will look after your son and I ask our Lord to make sure you get some rest too Jerrilyn. Our God has it all under control. Love Chris

by kustomkuddle 26 Apr 2018

Praising Him in all things. So happy that there is more improvement. Continuing to pray for your son and his family as well as everyone caring for him. Please take care of yourself as well. Sending hugs.

by stork 26 Apr 2018

We will continue to pray for your son, you and the family. I was great talking with you this morning....but you do sound tired, so please remember to take care of yourself also. God Bless.....

by graceandham 26 Apr 2018

Wonderful. I hope you are getting some sleep and don't forget your nutrition. Things like this can really wear you down, so eat good stuff! Still in my prayers, wait a minute, always in my prayers!

by toogie 25 Apr 2018

I am so happy when I hear news from you, especially good news..... He probably has been too sick to realize a lot of what has happened to him. I hope he recovers fully, in mind and body. Love to you and the family-Toogie and family.

by mary51 25 Apr 2018

God Blessed you and your son. God is good.

by lbrow 25 Apr 2018

We are keeping u Jerrilyn. God Bless . Prayers have not ceased, even at church. Oh how Awesome the God we serve. Words to describe His goodness cannot be found I am thanking Him for His answers to prayers. Read Isa .40 this morning. He will give you strength . Love you Lillian

by basketkase 24 Apr 2018

Hallelujah Jerrilyn!!! Prayers are definately working!!!!! Thanks for letting us know how he is doing.......Blessing on you all!

by sewdeb 24 Apr 2018

Oh, I know the joy I'm feeling at this news - and your relief and joy must be a thousand fold! Praise God! You and yours will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, love and prayers coming your way! Deb

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by test edited 24 Apr 2018

My dear friend, tell your son that I love him, I very much believe he will manage and will certainly rise up to live and gladden his children, parents and all of us. I do not cease to pray for him and all your big and friendly family. Love and Hugs.

by clintonmiss22 23 Apr 2018

I've been out-of-pocket to respond, but have read your posts and have prayed for you and your family. SO glad to hear your son is responding to the antibiotics and beginning to heal. God is good - all the time.

by dailylaundry 22 Apr 2018

Praise God from whom all Blessing Flow! Continued prayers for your dear son, and your family. One day at a time and lots of healing rest! Love and hugs, Laura

by stork 22 Apr 2018

Glad to hear the good news!!! Prayers are going loud and strong for your son and family. May you feel God's presence and may you also feel our hugs wrapping around you. God Bless you my friend!

by dragonflyer 22 Apr 2018

What splendid news, Jerrilyn...praying he continues on the path to restore his health...and yours...

by lique 22 Apr 2018

This is great news . I hope recovery will progress. My thoughts are with you.

by pennifold 22 Apr 2018

Oh! what wonderful news Jerrilyn. I read out part of your post to my church family this morning and our Priest Reverend Greg Colby prayed for your son, you, Mike and the rest of the family for complete healing and for endurance in this time of trial. I wish you were there - it was so heartfelt and I had tears in my eyes. God listens to all of our prayers - Amen. Love Chris

by toogie 22 Apr 2018

Praise Him, praise Him Jesus our Blessed Redeemer! I have tears in my eyes and such warmth in my heart! I am so happy for all of you, but will still uplift him in prayer...all of you. Love Toogie

by gerryb 21 Apr 2018

Prayers are being answered. And thankfully they are being answered with healing. Tell your son he is an unknown witness to many people as the cute site is gathering around the world lifting him up in our prayers. And YOU, my dear friend, are also a witness as to how you hang on to God and His promises. Continue to pray for all of you.

by kustomkuddle 21 Apr 2018

I am so thankful that he has started to turn the corner. Continuing to lift him and your entire family up in prayer. With all the antibiotics, I am also praying that he will not have to fight another bug called C-diff. It is a good bug in the colon but can go haywire with all the antibiotics he is receiving. My dad came down with it about a month after being in hospital for infections. They said that he probably had it longer but no one caught it until it had invaded his entire large intestine requiring it being removed. I know you have so much on your mind right now but please ask what the signs are to be watching for. It too can be treated if caught soon enough. Hugs.

by pennifold 21 Apr 2018

I'm off to church in an hour and will ask our congregation to pray for your son Jerrilyn. Love and blessings Chris.

by lbrow 21 Apr 2018

Heart Aches and tears falling but we are going to get through all this and all of us will be closer to the father than we thought possible. Simply because we are in constant prayer for all of you/Lillian

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toogie by toogie 21 Apr 2018

So true Ms. Lillian, so true.

by pennifold 21 Apr 2018

Dear Jerrilyn, I know we are so far ahead of you with regards to time, so I'm hoping that things are looking better for your son since your last update. I pray for you, your husband, family and your son every day and I know that he is being upheld by many people from all over the world.
Psalm 91 has beautiful imagery and I often refer to it as I truly feel that when we are upheld in prayer that God's loving arms lift us up like Eagle's wings wrapping around us, bringing us peace, safety and security. May your son know and feel the tangible love enveloping him. Love, prayers and blessings to you all Chris

by crazystitcher 21 Apr 2018

Thoughts & prayers are with you and your son and his medical team.

by sdrise 20 Apr 2018

Prayers still coming your way!!

by basketkase 20 Apr 2018

Oh Jerrilyn, I can't imagine your angst while you son is so ill...will keep all of you in our prayers...please take care of yourself and God's blessings on you all...

by kustomkuddle 20 Apr 2018

Continuing to send prayers for you and your family. Hugs.

by laurasomi 20 Apr 2018

Dear Jerriynn, my thoughts are with you and your dear son and family, sending you a big hug across the ocean,

by airyfairy 20 Apr 2018

Thinking of you and your son. Hugs Sarah

by graceandham 20 Apr 2018

(Friday) Jerrilyn, Just saw that you are updating here and had been wondering why you didn't return my casual call. I certainly join my prayers to Ms. Lillian and the others here for everyone to be strong and fight and to be surrounded by love. Praying also that the powerful medicine will work. We love you and Michael - such sweet spirits.

by dragonflyer 20 Apr 2018

Continued prayers for your son and your entire family...

by sewdeb 20 Apr 2018

You and your son are in my thoughts and prayers.

by test 20 Apr 2018

in thoughts with you every minute...

by robertahilde 20 Apr 2018

I am with you every step of the way with my thoughts.
My best wishes to you and your son: Roberta

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 Apr 2018

Joining you.

by lbrow 19 Apr 2018

My heart Aches but WE will not cease in our prayers for all of you. Lillian

by mranderson 19 Apr 2018

Thinking of you all with love and hugs.

by gerryvb 19 Apr 2018

prayers will continue for your son and for you. hugs

by toogie 19 Apr 2018

Sending love and prayers from Trudy and myself.

by crafter2243 Moderator 18 Apr 2018

Hugs. Praying for all your requests.

by katydid 18 Apr 2018

Oh my! I am just seeing this for the first time as I have been having computer problems. My prayers are with your family. Is your son in an Atlanta hospital or in Dalton?

by test 18 Apr 2018

Im still praying...

by mops Moderator 18 Apr 2018

I am so sorry to hear he's still in IC - prayers continue for all of you.

by toogie 17 Apr 2018

Sorry to hear of this need for the latest surgery. Know that we love you and pray that this darkness will soon be gone. All of you have to be weary, physically and emotionally, as we all hurt for you here. Praying that 'your son' comes out of this horrible ordeal soon, with renewed strength in faith and body. In Christian love-Toogie

by test 17 Apr 2018

Dear Jerrilyn, I do pray and pray...until I don't see your message, that you and your son are well.

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by dilceia edited 15 Apr 2018

God is with you!
Kisses in your mother's heart.

by lbrow 15 Apr 2018

Sunday. Brought him up to the whole church for prayer this morning, also all family. We are and have been praying continuously for his recovery and family strength.

by sebsews 15 Apr 2018

Praying for speedy recovery! Now you get your surgery scheduled!

by jrob Moderator 15 Apr 2018

Sunday,day 9. Had 2 surgery on Wednesday, I guess I forgot to update. My brain 🧠 has been in some crazy places as far as time is concerned. We’ve seen the doctor and are going back to CT scan to determine whether another surgery is required to revove yet more tissue that isn’t recovering. Of course we are still in intensive care. I’m reading each sweet message you leave and will answer each when time permits. I’m unbelievably busy caring for his needs. When you think of us, whisper a prayer. No matter what happens, God has his hand on this. Big love!

rescuer by rescuer 15 Apr 2018

Thank you for updating us. I know God loves you all and He will provide what you need. May your mamma heart be comforted and your strength increased to care for your son. Hang in there friend!

jrob by jrob 15 Apr 2018

Thanks for the concern about my gall bladder. It’s ok to wait for awhile. I’m on protonics for it. Please don’t worry about me. I’ll be good when he is. 🤗

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 15 Apr 2018

You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers...

dilceia by dilceia edited 15 Apr 2018

God is with you, dear!

crafter2243 by crafter2243 edited 15 Apr 2018

I am whispering. Please God hear my whispers, hear my prayers. Hugs

gerryvb by gerryvb 16 Apr 2018

you are in my prayers

by stork 14 Apr 2018

Praying for healing!!! Glad to hear the antibiotics are starting to work......God Bless.

by cfidl 14 Apr 2018

Thank you for the update. Prayers for continued improvement.

by Leaha 13 Apr 2018

Prayers are winging their way to heaven as I type. My He hold you both in the Palm of His gentle hands.

by sdrise 09 Apr 2018

So sorry to hear this. Prayers are coming your way and for the family!!

by airyfairy 09 Apr 2018

I am so terribly sorry you have had a worrying time with your son. I was about 12 when I collapsed at school with terrible tummy ache. The next thing I knew I was in hospital. Because it was during the 1950’s I was in hospital for 3 weeks.
I wish your son a speedy recovery and hope you sort out your gall bladder soon. With love and lots of hugs. Sarah

by clintonmiss22 08 Apr 2018

Adding my prayers for you and your son. Hope everyone is continuing to improve!

by stork 08 Apr 2018

Wow....prayers for all of you. Your son is very lucky. We had the same thing with our oldest daughter, she thought it was a stomach bug and I begged to differ with her. The hospital thought she had a ruptured much delay! Finally my Dr. friend said she needed surgery...just minutes before it ruptured.

by 02kar Moderator 08 Apr 2018

My prayers are added. He's getting good care now and lots of prayers so schedule your surgery. It needs to be removed and the sooner the better. Please keep us informed.

by sewdeb 08 Apr 2018

Oh, Jerilyn, what an awful time you must be going through. Sending prayers for your son and you, too! Please schedule your surgery! And keep us posted when you can. Hugs*

by kustomkuddle 08 Apr 2018

My goodness Jerrilyn. When it rains, it pours. Ruptured appendix can cause all kinds of problems. Praying your son will fall into that 30 percent that doesn't need another surgery. YOU and your son will be in my prayers.

by jofrog2000 08 Apr 2018

You certainly have mine.

by maleah 08 Apr 2018

Prayers for you and your son. Isn't it typical of boys that they don't want to bother their mom? My sons are like that too. God be with you

by dailylaundry 08 Apr 2018

Oh, Jerrilyn - So hope your son is doing better!!! Prayers for him and his family ... and you too Jerrilyn - you need to take care of yourself right away - don't put it off anymore! Please take care of yourself! Hugs and love, Laura

by pennifold 08 Apr 2018

Dear Jerrilyn, I do pray that your son is out of the woods and on his way to recovery. Also for you my dear girl, you make sure you get your surgery done soon too. Prayers to cover you and your whole family are being said as I reply to your post. Love and blessings Chris

by hightechgrammy 08 Apr 2018

Oh My, Jerilyn, this is so scary and extremely serious. It sounds like he got to the hospital on time. I will be praying for him and for you.

(I had my gall bladder out and it was a piece of cake.)

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 08 Apr 2018

The surgery I had was the kind they go in through the navel. I just don't want you to worry about that surgery. So glad your son made it through his surgery okay. Hugs

by gerryb 08 Apr 2018

Oh my goodness! Praying for your son AND you!

by basketkase 08 Apr 2018

Dear sorry you and your family are experiencing health issues...will pray for all....

by sewdoctor 07 Apr 2018

You have them......

by graceandham 07 Apr 2018

Thank goodness he finally sought help! When you get the gallbladder surgery scheduled, call me. I've been there. Praying for whole family in the meanwhile.

by meganne 07 Apr 2018

You have my prayers for both you and your son.
Sending an Angel to watch over you both. Hope you are back on top soon. Huge hugs, xxxx

by cfidl 07 Apr 2018

My prayers are with you and your son.

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Apr 2018

My dear friend. I have been praying for you since your Birthday and now will add your son to my request for healing. Hugs

by barba 07 Apr 2018

Praying for you both and for your families also. Praying your son heals well and does not require a second surgery. Please schedule your surgery. We always seem to put ourselves last but you need to be healthy and strong in order to help others. Do not forget to take care of yourself also. Blessings, Hugs and prayers, Barba

by shirley124 07 Apr 2018

Prayers for you both. Hope you both recover quickly. Hugs

by lucy12345 07 Apr 2018

Hope all goes well for you both, thinking of you

by rescuer Moderator 07 Apr 2018

Stopping right now to pray! I will continue to pray for you all. Come back when you can but keep us posted... Oh, your mamma heart must be hurting for him.

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Apr 2018

Take care and hope all improves for you and family. A ruptured appendix sounds horrible. Positive thoughts coming your way

by dragonflyer 07 Apr 2018

How scary....I am sooooo glad that he made it thorough surgery...I will pray for his speedy recovery...and YOU missy...get your buns in gear and call for your surgery...DO IT!

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crafter2243 by crafter2243 07 Apr 2018

Yes.....DO IT.