by mad14kt 03 Jan 2018

Happy New Year everyone!!! I am so grateful that I was able to get ALL my files off my Portable Hard Drive even after it failed. My new one arrived today. Backing up your files are VERY important and I hear it all the time! I know DVD's are great! Does anyone have any other suggestions? TIA!!! FIESTA :)


by pcteddyb 04 Jan 2018

I use two different external drives and I keep multiple backups on each (rotating). DH gifted me with a new HDD for Christmas.

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks, that sounds promising ... FIESTA ;D

by gerryb 04 Jan 2018

I have mine on an external drive and again on a USB stick.
Glad you were able to retrieve all your files!!!

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks so much!!! I am so happy for my files ... FIESTA ;D

by 02kar Moderator 04 Jan 2018

It never gets old to review how we back up our designs. We have so much time and money invested in our design stash. I'm dancing with delight that you were able to get your designs off your failed back up. We can never have too many back ups. One is just not enough. I hope you are up and stitching soon.

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks!!! So true!!! I have a few on USB also ... FIESTA ;D

by kustomkuddle 04 Jan 2018

I am going to have to do something like that. I don't have them backed up except for being on a usb key. I'm surprised my husband hasn't suggested it, as he is a computer guru. Thanks for suggestion.

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

YES, please do. I kept promising myself that I would and didn't :( But I've learned a little something, LOL ... FIESTA ;D

by jrob Moderator 04 Jan 2018

I back up to my external hard drive and also to the "cloud". It feels like I'm just opening the window on my car and flinging my designs out. LOL

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks for sharing. I have the cloud too but I don't use it ... FIESTA ;D

by shirley124 04 Jan 2018

I back up on a external hard drive and also another laptop. That way I have 2 back ups. Hope I never have to use them. Good for you that you could get all your files from your old drive. Hugs

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks so much :) Great system you have ... FIESTA ;D

by graceandham 03 Jan 2018

This is a picture of that old New Year's saying: Out with the old and in with the new. Congratulations on saving your files.

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks! :) You are so correct! I have owned my previous HD for some yrs now. I was more than happy to have to replace that than my designs ... FIESTA ;D

by dailylaundry 03 Jan 2018

We have a family network - I back up to there and onto a jump drive. But, in a few days, my new external drive will arrive and I will back up to that too. My problem is, I have too many designs!!! I need to clean design house soon!!

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 12 Jan 2018

Thanks for sharing :) I too said, I was going to go some de-cluttering. Some designs I have are doubles. I look forward to breaking my creativity production this year, LOL ... FIESTA ;D