by haleymax 18 Sep 2017

I haven't been on site in a while but I wish to thank all who have prayed for our family during the illness of my brother.

It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of my brother on the 16th of September, 2017. His funeral is today Sept 18th, 2017, on the 33rd anniversary of our mother's death. Sept. is not a good month for me. Just remember "God is good and His plan is perfect. Thou we can't see the big picture, His plan is perfect".


by jrob Moderator 19 Sep 2017

I am so, so sorry Maxine. Your sadness may feel overwhelming today as it is a dark day for your family. Only by faith are we able to march through these times with the knowledge that our Lord and Savior went before us and prepared a place for us. I'm lifting you in prayer as you begin to figure out what life will be like without your precious sibling. Praise God that we can be together again some sweet day.

by lbrow 19 Sep 2017

I am so sorry for your loss. You are right, Gods plans are perfect. He only knows our heart ache. Take comfort in the knowledge that you will see your brother again one blessed day/Lillian

by basketkase 19 Sep 2017

So sorry for your loss.......

by BeckyAndersen 19 Sep 2017

I am so sorry for your losses.

by heleninca 18 Sep 2017

My condolences and prayers to you and your family.

by hightechgrammy 18 Sep 2017

I am so sorry his long journey lead to the end of his life. Sometimes God's plan is not our plan. God bless you and heal you and give you strength. It will be better. Love, Jan

by toogie 18 Sep 2017

So sorry for your loss. Take comfort in God's love.

by crafter2243 Moderator 18 Sep 2017

Yes His plan is perfect. Praying for Him to give you the strength and piece to get through this trying time. My condolences to you and family

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Sep 2017

Thinking positive thoughs for you and your family

by airyfairy 18 Sep 2017

So very sorry. My condolences to you and your family

by kustomkuddle 18 Sep 2017

Praying you are being surrounded by God's love and the love of family and friends during this most difficult time. God's plan will be revealed one day. He works in mysterious ways. My father passed away about 3 years ago. He suffered from Dementia and his body failed. We could not understand why he kept hanging on but finally God took him home. When we returned home after the funeral, we started going through the mail. In that mail, we found a beautiful topaz ring that my Dad had ordered for my Mom sometime during one of his lucid moments unbeknownst to any of us! Usually he had me get things for my Mom from him, but he was able to do this on his own. It is of great comfort to Mom. We call it a God moment as He orchestrated Dad's death to coincide with the rings arrival. Praying you feel God's comforting arms.

by pacmp 18 Sep 2017

(((Hugs))) I am so sorry for the losses that you seem to have in September, losses are not easy any time of the year, but when those losses tend to be grouped, it can make it challenging. I am grateful you have faith to help ease the grief and I can surely testify that His plan will make total sense once we are on the other side. Just keep the faith and do the best you can to live the way that Christ gave us in His mortal ministry, the example of and helping those around us, uplifting the poor, weak, widow, orphan, those struggling, etc and most important is to not give up. Feeding His sheep is a way we can draw closer to Him. That enduring, is ....or at least for me ....can be the harder part, enduring it well, when trials are difficult or long term. He knows and understands the difficult trials of this life and will be there to hear every prayer. My prayers will continue for all you are dealing with today and in coming months as you adjust to your brother not being here in your life to turn to. (((Hugs again))) Pam

by graceandham 18 Sep 2017

I pray that you will be blessed by the words and memories of those who surround you today. I will be praying for the family through this day.

by rescuer Moderator 18 Sep 2017

I am so very sorry for your loss. I have had 2 brothers die, but I cannot imagine your pain and sadness right now. May the Lord comfort you and bless you with peace. Reach out to us or nearby friends when you need someone. Remember, we are here for you.