by clintonmiss22 04 Sep 2017

I was gone a long time this summer, so I was just wondering if Madwoman of Locke Street has changed how we collect the Monday Freebie. I've tried for the last three weeks, but can't find a "clue" for locating it. Seems like at one time she took a break for a length of time, so thought that might be what is happening. Can anyone enlighten or bring me "up to speed?" Thanks!!


by sharonleekesner 05 Sep 2017

She announced she was taking the summer off.

1 comment
clintonmiss22 by clintonmiss22 05 Sep 2017

Thanks for responding!

by mrskiki 05 Sep 2017

I assumed that since she is running a nice sale, the freebies would not be available. She has done this before, I believe. Hugs. Nan W

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clintonmiss22 by clintonmiss22 05 Sep 2017


by graceandham 04 Sep 2017

She said something about a month ago about needing to take a few weeks off from the freebie because of lots of weddings (guests?) this summer. She'll be back.

1 comment
clintonmiss22 by clintonmiss22 05 Sep 2017

Thanks! I thought I might have missed some announcement along those lines. I really enjoy her designs.