by nonna57 28 May 2017

HELP ASAP if not sooner :)

I have a design i want to decrease the density.. by aprox 2000 st. Will it affect the designs as in gaps . Have to do it today so if any lovely cutie out there can help me , Much appreciated . Pauline


by graceandham 29 May 2017

I've heard that if a design is too tight, you can "loosen" it by 10% without a problem.

by meganne 29 May 2017

Why didn't you ask me?

1 comment
nonna57 by nonna57 30 May 2017

Ok sorry thought you would be too busy on the recoup, Sorry not rung . My bad ... Calling you tomorrow arvo xx

by marianb 29 May 2017

Hope you can get the help needed, sorry I can't help.. Marian

getEdited - SELECT
by crafter2243 Moderator edited 29 May 2017

I Imagine it would depend very much on the design itself. Why do you want to do that?

nonna57 by nonna57 29 May 2017

Want to downsize the stitches as i think its a bit dense for the small piece of fabric i am using :)

nonna57 by nonna57 29 May 2017

Sorry forgot to say thanks for replying.. :)