by Sunflower3810 01 May 2017

I would like some advice please guys.I am looking to purchase software to be able digitize some designs.I would also like to be able to enhance some toys designs that I have purchased that don't have satin stitch around some applique pieces,so need a program where I can go in and change the stitch line to satin stitch for personal use.Also user friendly for a beginner.I would like your opinion on what software would best suit my needs.I have a Brother quattro 6000d.


by sewist1 03 May 2017

Most software doesn't allow you just to click on an outline and change to a satin stitch. You need to digitize around the existing outline to make an applique.

by dragonflyer 02 May 2017

I have Janome Digitizer, Palette Next/PE9, and Floriani software programs...I use mostly the Janome Digitizer which I really like, but the upgrades are quite expensive....I do not care for the Palette Next/PE 9 at all and do not use it very much...I have just gotten the Floriani recently and it is very user friendly and the upgrades are free for life...a big bonus! Many here use Embird...I have Embird Basic with the Iconizer that I could not be without, but have not gotten the digitizer module Studio. I do not know your budget, but Embird allows you to purchase their modules separately at any time as you need them so it is easy on the budget and their upgrades are either free or only a very minimal cost (I think the last one was only $20)... Make sure you have good educational support with whatever you decide...and BIG WELCOME to Cute!

by mrskiki 02 May 2017

Take a look at Embrilliance. They offer a free trial period. Also have great help and customer service. And you can purchase modules as you want/need/can afford. Versions for both MAC and windows with no dongle to limit you to how many computers you can load onto. Hugs. Nan W

by mops Moderator 01 May 2017

Which software to choose is a personal preference as they all can result in different formats, with one exception: ART format can only be written in Bernina software. The basic tools are more or less the same whatever you choose, the details - specialty fills; line stitches; adding your own outlines, fills, etc - differ considerably, as does user-friendliness.

When you want to change designs beware - look at the terms and conditions of the site from which you got your artwork or enbroidery design. The tricky rules of copyright are not to be taken lightly. The different software producers offer tutorials on their products capabilities, like 'How to triple your designs stash' but alas what can be done is not always legal. Using only part of a design, adding something, combining designs, Altering an outline into a satin stitch may all turn out to be illegal. So check the Terms and Conditions of the site you got your designs from every time you want to change something you did not digitise yourself or using artwork not your own.

by Sewmum1 01 May 2017

I have janome digitizer which I love. It is similar to a microsoft photo program I had years ago. There is always something new to learn. I have only had this program a few months and have spent hours watching video classes and learning so much. It is a lifelong learning process.

Many of the great digitisers here use embird as it is really good value. I am sure some of them will drop by shortly.

Most digitizing programs will let you convert designs to the format you need so there is no requirement to stick with brother if you choose not to. Also a number of them offer free trial where you can see what works for you.
Good luck with your decision