by nonna57 16 Feb 2017

Sadly 8CP are closing down... So ladies pop over and go shopping and redeem any points owing. Love their fonts.

My most used fonts for towels .
Just a sample included..


by asterixsew Moderator 16 Feb 2017

Thanks for the info I will have a look

by baydreamer 16 Feb 2017

They are moving to Etsy.

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by airyfairy edited 16 Feb 2017

This is sad news. Love the font

by marianb 16 Feb 2017

thank you Pauline..

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by raels011 edited 16 Feb 2017

thank you I went and used my points Now waiting to be able to download

by pennifold 16 Feb 2017

Great to see you Pauline, lovely font. Went down to Meg's yesterday and Ray is starting on her sewing room - at last! Love Chris