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by tlp22 ( edited 08 Mar 2017 ) 09 Feb 2017

UPDATE: Having lots of issues. The flair that was thought to be RSD was osteoporosis from the RSD. Having vascular issues and more. Trying to get healthy.

........ Just to let anyone know who looks at my stitching, I am having trouble with my hand again. The medical people think it is the RSD back again. Sooooo It will be a while but I will be watching all of your beautiful stitching come to life. God Bless


by tlp22 12 Feb 2017 For those that really want to know about RSD or CRPS. It is compared to the pain in Cancer. You can't cure it but you can get it into remission. With lots of hard work and therapy. I am so thankful to the doctors and therapists that helped me through since my initial diagnosis in 2003. God Bless.

by noah 10 Feb 2017

Be praying for you Tip99

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 12 Feb 2017

Thank you. Got home form Hospital today. Thumbs up the healing continues. Multiple issues. But, we are on the healing side.

by laurasomi 10 Feb 2017

What does " RSD " mean??

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 12 Feb 2017

Laura please refer to the link above I posted. It is called by 2 names RSD or CRPS. the RSD is reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The CRPS is Complex regional pain syndrome. Same exact disease. Lots of people thought that is was feeling sorry for an injury or the pain but, it is referring to the sympathetic nervous system. Thanks for asking.

by rsloan 10 Feb 2017

You know how "a penny saved is a penny earned", so rest your hand now so you can get back to stitching. All the best...

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 12 Feb 2017

Thank you. Maybe in a couple more days.

by cfidl 10 Feb 2017

Hope you are better soon. What is RSD?

anangel by anangel 11 Feb 2017

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Nerves damaged. I have this in my right arm/wrist after an injury, followed by surgery and intense therapy. It can become very painful, but, so far, mine has been mild. Cold weather seems to aggravate mine quite a bit!!

tlp22 by tlp22 12 Feb 2017

Thanks cfidl. Yes anangel it can happen as you say and also from a grass cut a sprained ankle . It is when the sympathetic nervous system goes crazy. You may have a minor injury but you feel like you literally had your appendage ran over bv a train. I have had it in it's worse form over several years I finally got enough movement and strength back to be able to sew. I lost my job that I loved and lots more. I pray that no one has to go through it. Right now mine was cause by a mild illness (pain wise) that put me in the hospital overnight. I am doing better and hope to be sewing in a few days.

by dragonflyer 10 Feb 2017

Hope you are back stitching soon!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 10 Feb 2017

Thank you.

by Sewmum1 09 Feb 2017

Take care of yourself and hope it improves for you

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

Thank you!

by sandralane 09 Feb 2017

I hope your hand heals very quickly, and your back doing what you enjoy, take care of yourself first. Sandra.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

Thank you. Just so bored not being able to stitch. I have all these projects ready to go for Christmas and here I sit not able to cut or stitch. But It will get better then watch out.

by crafter2243 Moderator 09 Feb 2017

I hope your hand heals fast. Can not even imagine not to be able to do the crafts I enjoy. Praying for healing.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

Thanks so much. Feels like a fish out of water.

by lbrow 09 Feb 2017

Sorry to hear this..It really bothers me when I cannot sew/embroidery. Hope things get better for you soon. Will be praying for you/Lillian

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tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

Thank you Lillian. I know we all have our problems and ailments. I was so hoping to get ahead on stitching this year.

by graceandham 09 Feb 2017

Take care of you first!

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

Thanks! Doing my best.

by pldc 09 Feb 2017

prayers for you Theresa ~hugs~

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

thank you

by pennifold 09 Feb 2017

Hope that your hand improves with rest. God bless you too Theresa and I know you'll be back at it as soon as you are able to. Love Chris

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 09 Feb 2017

Awe! thanks so much.