by philippeichhorn 24 Jan 2017

Hey guys!

First, big thanks for this site, there is a lot of really nice content here :)

Second, being an embroidery noob, are there any best practices for organizing your personal pattern collection (naming conventions, tools, ...)?

Greetings from Germany!


by jofrog2000 31 Jan 2017

There are software programs for categorizing. Check out SewCat here. I use SewWhat Pro-an editing program- and SewIconz-which makes every design on my computer show up as a picture with design information.
Plus, they have the greatest support ever.


by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Thank you so much for the kind words everybody, you guys seriously rock! :)

After digging through some of the existing organizers, I feel like they are either really expensive (over $100?!), or require me to manually sort and rename all my files.

Besides playing around with embroidery, I am also a computer science student and would really love to apply some of that hard earned knowledge and give back to the community. So I am thinking of building an online embroidery collection software with builtin image recognition. As a result you could search for 'cat' and get all cat files, without having to sort them first! And because its online, you get free backups :)

Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Would somebody be interested in that?

by basketkase 25 Jan 2017

Good morning and a big welcome to biggest advice would be to keep your designs organized as soon as you acquire them......I am so bad at this of late and now I have a huge mess, so take the time to categorize and you will thank yourself for doing this!! Best of luck in your new endeavor......Vicki aka Basketkase

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Yeah, I see myself heading the exact same direction! :D and thanks for the welcome :)

by sandralane 25 Jan 2017

Welcome from another Aussie, glad to have you here, lots of helpful cuties and information to help you on your way in this terrific hobby. Just ask away as Chris says there will always be someone to help with your questions. Sandra.

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Thank you Sandra for the nice words :)

by pennifold 24 Jan 2017

A great big Aussie welcome from me too. I see you have been given a good start. Check out the Q&A section on here to find out how this website works.

Any other question please ask as there is always someone on here.

❤️ Chris, Newcastle,Australia

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Thank you for the intro and cheers to Australia! :)

by Kampfzwerg 24 Jan 2017

Hi, I have found a link where you can download a system of pre-organized folders:


1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Oh wow, they have 49 categories! Cool!

by maleah 24 Jan 2017

Welcome to the best site in the world. Hope you enjoy:)

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Thank you maleah, glad I found you guys! :)

by Kampfzwerg 24 Jan 2017

Hallo Philipp, wo wohnst Du? Ich könnte dir auch telephonisch weiter helfen.

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Oh ja, das wäre super! Ich komme aus Erlangen :) schick dir gleich meine Nummer.

by crafter2243 Moderator 24 Jan 2017

Just want to say "Welcome to Cute". Really hope you will like it here.

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 25 Jan 2017

Thank you!!! :)

by dennis999 24 Jan 2017

A warm welcome to you. You will find so much help available to you from the ladies of Cute.

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 24 Jan 2017

Absolutely, these ladies rock! :D

by dragonflyer 24 Jan 2017

Big Welcome to Cute...Hope you got some helpful information from the thread in Embroidery!

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 24 Jan 2017

Yes, this is great! :)

by jrob Moderator 24 Jan 2017

Hi, there. Just wanted to say welcome!

1 comment
philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 24 Jan 2017

Hi there! :)

getEdited - SELECT
by Sewmum1 edited 24 Jan 2017

Welcome to cute embroidery.

If you have a look at this link it describes how I organise my embroidery designs. Others have also shared their methods there too, so be sure to scroll down the page for lots of ideas.

ooops sorry was distracted by the doorbell and forgot to come back earlier to add the link. Here it is now.....

philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 24 Jan 2017

Hey. Did you forget to add the link or am I just not seeing it? :)

spendlove by spendlove 24 Jan 2017

She did! I think she meant the thread I've just bumped to the top for you.

philippeichhorn by philippeichhorn 24 Jan 2017

Ah got it, thank you!! :)