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by tlp22 ( edited 08 Jan 2017 ) 03 Jan 2017

This has sewing and embroidery. So here ya go. Some of the items I made for the family this past Christmas. Oven mits, Towels, and cloth catch all square bowls.


by toogie 08 Jan 2017

Nice gifts, great work ! Are the catch all bowls crochet? I can't see them very well.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 08 Jan 2017

Thanks Toogie. No, the bowls are fabric and batting. This was just a quick put together no real pattern. I'll post another picture of it in here. I did use the lining of the mits for the bowls.

by lbrow 08 Jan 2017

I love personalized gifts. Things that someone made just for me. These are all so nice and pretty/Lillian

toogie by toogie 08 Jan 2017

We appreciate it Lillian, because we know the whole while they were working on it, they were thinking of us. At least that is how I am when I'm making something for someone.....I finally made Ron's cake recipe you gave me.Came out good. I was making it for company today but because of weather they have postponed coming.

tlp22 by tlp22 08 Jan 2017

Thank you Lillian. Yes it takes me forever because I know the color scheme or colors they like so I try to get that look in the gifts.

by sandralane 04 Jan 2017

A great collection of gifts, well doe. Sandra.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

Thanks again Sandra.

by marianb 04 Jan 2017

Great gifts..

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017

Oh I am trying to talk them into doing some of the holiday cooking. LOL!

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Jan 2017

A beautiful collection.

1 comment
tlp22 by tlp22 04 Jan 2017
