by crazystitcher 25 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas to all Cuties and Miss Veronica and to all those wo are dear to you; & Happy New Year in advance; now getting ready for Hunter Valley heat wave with temps expected in 40's for several days leading into new year.


by mrskiki 26 Dec 2016

We here in Texas are experiencing near record highs of almost 80 degrees as well. Strange weather for the beginning of winter! Hugs. Nan W

1 comment
crazystitcher by crazystitcher 29 Dec 2016

It certainly is strange - someone must have asked Santa for one more taste of summer!

by pennifold 26 Dec 2016

Yes, it's been very uncomfortable here in Newcastle. I hope you had a great day yesterday love ❤️ Chris

1 comment
crazystitcher by crazystitcher 29 Dec 2016

thanks, Chris.

by vickiannette 26 Dec 2016

Was hot here too, in the Middle of South Aust. [but we are on the coast] so the change in at about 6pm. Thanks for the Happy wishes, so same for you and all others.